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The sound of screams and cackling flames resonated around me as I ran through the thick forest, up the hill. I was tired and in pain but I willed my feet to move faster because I knew if I stopped, they would catch me. As I ran up the hill I stopped and saw a horrifying sight just to my right. A village could be seen, lit up in flames and the people were running in terror. I could see the men being brutally stabbed and slaughtered. Some of the women and children were forced into dark brown wagons and tied up, others were burning in their homes.

I felt drops of water fall down my cheek and on to the earth but I could not dwell on the pain for long. I heard angry shouts and running footsteps coming towards me. I knew who it was and felt dread overcome my whole body. I turned away from the carnage and began to run again but I could hear them coming closer and closer. The trees and the grass became a mix of green and brown blurs as I kept going. I ran as fast as I could, but it wasn't fast enough. Within seconds I could hear the sound of angry voices yelling after me. The fear in me grew. I kept running and running, until I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder. I looked and to my horror, an arrow was deeply imbedded in my shoulder. I could not take it out, no matter how excruciating the pain was.

So I kept running, the trees just became thicker and I tripped constantly. But I did not care about the wounds on my knees, feet and on my back. They kept shooting arrows at me and some manage to land a hit. I reached a clearing and found myself at the edge of a cliff. I heard footsteps and turned in panic. 'Is this the end?'No! I promised!' I thought to myself. Haunting words echoed in my mind....'live'. Unconsciously, I took a step back. Before I could even comprehend what I had done, it was too late. I was plunging down. Then I hear a sickening crack and pain just overwhelmed me.

'This is it.....I'm sorry.' I I closed my eyes....who it was I last saw.......'I couldn't live...'

Eternity (Alec Volturi)Where stories live. Discover now