Chapter 3

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Elliana pov

                           I stared at the ground where white had begun to gather, with my vision I saw the snow beginning to stick. I frowned , Alice said that they would come when the snow sticks. Which means the day is coming closer. It also brings me to another thought, why would Alice and Jasper leave? Surely there is a valid reason. They're family needs them here. "Is there something on your mind sister?" I turned my head to see Neil giving me a smile, "The snow is sticking.", his smile vanished from his faced and walked to where I was standing "Then we probably have until tomorrow at best.".

I nodded and continued to watch the snow, on this season, humans celebrate 'Christmas' it was famous in my village as well. On Christmas eve the villagers would gather and make merry. I could vaguely remember the song all the children sang while dancing around the campfire. Then the women would dance with partners. On the day everyone would share the meal and afterwards the whole village sang praises. My memories of my human life were blurry and I only had a few. Richard said that it was normal not to remember everything from your human life.

"Elle..." I looked at Neil, "Are you nervous?". I smiled "Who wouldn't be?", he smirked "William.". I laughed, in our family, William happened to be the bravest, if he was ever nervous he never showed it to anyone. "Well if Elizabeth was threatened then perhaps he would be nervous.", he chuckled "He would be angry first.". From what I know mates are very protective of each other especially the males, which brings me to another question.

I grew curious "Do you know how strong the bond is between mates Neil?". He smirked "Your asking this from someone who hasn't even found his mate.",  I rolled my eyes. "Did Miranda not already explain it to you?" he asked,   I sighed "She only said what mates are not how having one feels.". When I asked Miranda she smiled and said I will know when I meet my mate one day which confused me even more.

He shook his head "Well according to William, he thinks it depends on how both vampires would take the bond. You've seen how it was for him and Elizabeth.". I nodded, Elizabeth was and is stubborn and headstrong, when we first turned her she lashed out on William, eventually she stopped trying to attack him. This did not mean they were on good terms, whenever they saw each other they would argue for hours. Although they couldn't deny that the bond was there, they just couldn't seem to get along and kept denying their bond. It took about three months to get used to it. It was sometimes funny to watch William get frustrated over Lizzy (Elizabeth), they were both so head strong and stubborn, it's surprising that they are mates. It took a certain incident to happen for them to finally admit their love but that will be a story for another day.

"Why are you asking?", I smiled sheepishly, "No reason....". "I know the look little sister.", "We're close to the same age." I argued. He smirked "Close. Now stop worrying about those type of things because it will not be happening anytime soon not if I have anything to say about it." I rolled my eyes "You are not playing the role of the overprotective brother.".  For as long as I've known him, Neil liked to view himself as an older brother to me and Gianna. He would never dare to act like that in front of Lizzy because it would only result in pain.

He smirked and patted my head "I wouldn't be the only one.", he's talking about William whose been more protective of me and Georgianna these days. While I understand why he would want to protect Georgianna as they are blood related, I do not see why I need the same protection. But it is worse when it comes to Elizabeth, they argued once because he was so overprotective. She wanted to hunt on her own but he was not having any of it.

"Aunt Elle!!" I turned to see Renesmee run up to me. I welcomed her hug "Hello Renesmee, did you enjoy your time at your grandfathers?", Bella had taken Renesmee and Jacob to her fathers house for Christmas. She said that if she didn't, her father would surely come here and that would not be good. More than ten vampires in a room with a human? A terrible idea.

She smiled "Yes, look what Jake gave me." I looked at her wrist to see a well made bracelet and smiled "Its beautiful, do you love it?" she nodded. I smiled and reached inside my pocket "Well I also have a gift for you, close your eyes." she giggled but as she was told. I pulled out a small  object and gently put it in her hand. "Open your eyes." she did and she was shocked, in her hand was a small blue music box with gold detail, on the lid, was a golden rose. She opened it to see a small ballerina wearing blue, dancing and a sweet tune  filled the air.

"Do you like it Renesmee?" I asked she smiled and nodded looking amazed "Thank you Aunt Elle.". I smiled "Your welcome sweet girl, now go and show it to your mother." she happily ran off to find her mother.

"Was that alright?" I looked at Neil and stood "Yes, I'm sure she'll take care of it.". I acquired that music box in France years after my change, it was in the possession of an elderly lady who had no children or family. She gave it to me as a gift when I spent a few more days with to keep her company. I suppose I did it because I pitied her, she had very little and the music box was her precious treasure given to her by her father. Before she passed away she asked me to take care of it, I did until now, I'm sure Renesmee would take care of it.

I turned my attention to the ground and watched the snow that already stuck to each other. Only a few more hours and we would face the Volturi .


Miranda and I stood in the sidelines and watched the campfire and the others gathered to tell war stories. I knew most of them but the ones that had an affect on me were the stories of world wars . There were moments the coven was stuck in the middle of the fighting. It was terrible to watch all those soldiers die. It was worse for me and Elizabeth, because it would remind us of our deaths. 

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I turned to Miranda who looked at me with knowing eyes, I smiled "Not really.". She frowned "Come now Elle, I know you, you are quiet and prefer not to speak your mind unless truly necessary. But I can also tell something is bothering you.". She always did know, I don't really understand if it is the same for all creators. She seemed to sense when her sires were uneasy.

"Yes I am nervous but not for the reason you think." she looked confused "Then for what ever reason are you so nervous about?". I smiled but did not answer, she seemed to understand "Very well...there is no need to tell me.". Tomorrow, we will face the Volturi however it is not the confrontation that worries me. I do not know what it is but I have a feeling something else will happen tomorrow, something that will change my immortal life entirely.

Eternity (Alec Volturi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon