Chapter 15

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3rd Pov

Its been a few days since Elliana joined the Volutri and so far the coven had welcomed her as warmly as they were capable of. A few liked her, a few didn't and the rest didn't care as much.

           Jane Volturi was one of the the few who genuinely liked Elliana. When she first discovered that her beloved twin had found his mate, Jane felt bitter that she would have to share Alec with another. After a lengthy discussion with her brother, Jane decided to do her best to accept Alec's mate.

 Although Jane would never admit it, she was a little excited to meet Elliana. However Jane didn't approach the new addition to the coven until a few days later when Alec insisted on introducing her. She could tell Elliana was wary of her and it wasn't unfounded. Jane had a reputation os being the more sadistic twin. So it came as a shock for Jane when Elliana put on a smile and held out her hand while introducing herself. The two spent a little more time together and eventually they became close friends.

             Felix was another high guard that Elliana had the pleasure of meeting on her second day. True to her word, despite the tour Alec gave her, Elliana got lost. Felix found her on the east side of the castle and showed her the way back to the west wing. The giant vampire intimidated Elliana at first until he began recalling embarrassing stories of his fellow guard, especially Demetri. After that, she could be found with Felix in the training room despite her mate's obvious displeasure.

Elliana saw the famous tracker every now and then. Most, times he was speaking softly on the phone, only giving her a wave before returning to whoever was on the line. Felix would later tell her that Demetri was speaking to his mate, Elissa.

She hadn't seen the masters again until a few days later when they summoned her into the chamber. Aro inquired upon her stay in the castle then proceeded to inform her of her tasks. It turns out that Alec was adamant on his decision that she shouldn't go on missions yet. To placate the boy, Aro reluctantly agreed. Instead, Aro had Elliana organise and keep the library tidy.

Elliana, who was becoming bored, happily accepted the job. While she spent some time practicing her gift with the high guard, it wasn't often she could since Alec was more than protective.

Today would count as her fourth week in the Volturi and Elliana settled into her new job in the library. This was where Jane found Elliana in the afternoon.

"Elliana!" the small vampire happily called out to her friend. Elliana smiled and put down the book she had been reading to give Jane her full attention, "You look happy this afternoon Jane, who was lucky to experience your gift today?" She teased. Elliana had long accepted that she might never be able to change the twin's sadistic personality, after all life hadn't been kind to them.

Unknown to her, Jane and Alec haven't been tormenting other vampires as much as they used too.

"No one actually. Alec was called away by the masters but he sent me to make sure you hunted." Jane said, gracefully sitting next to Elliana.

The only thing Elliana hadn't been able to adjust well to, was the way the Volturi fed. Elliana was a private person and the way she fed was even more so. She wasn't a big fan of feeding out in the open even in the presence of her coven. The masters had given her permission to hunt outside the castle walls as long as she took a high guard with her.

"Oh, yes. It has been a while." Elliana admitted, touching her throat lightly. She limited herself to hunting once a weak and it has been a few days since her last meal. "Come on then, I'll accompany you. The sun's almost set so it should be safe to go out." Jane urged.

Elliana agreed and set aside the books she chose for reading before both vampires sped of out of the castle.

The sun had fully set by the time Elliana had chosen a victim. This one was a tourist but he was noticeably alone in his travel around Volterra. It was easy to lure him out of the main streets, all Elliana had to do was look a little distraught about losing her mother's necklace and she had him following her. Elliana knocked him out, hard enough so wouldn't wake up to pain. She looked upon him with slight sadness but then the memory of him leering at a young teenage girl had her snuffing out whatever sympathy she had. Elliana was quick to finish her meal and dispose of the body. She didn't like what she had to do to survive but this was a vampire's life, she might be a monster but humans could be monsters too.

Elliana quickly made her way out of the alley undetected to look for Jane. She walked towards the town square where she and Jane agreed to meet at after she was done. A cold and throbbing feeling stopped Elliana. Something wasn't right. There were a lot of people in the town square but it wasn't the scent of blood or the chatter that made her uncomfortable. It was the feeling of someone's eyes on her, someone who was not a friend. Not a human, a vampire.

Jane appeared next to her friend with a worried look. "Do you sense it?" She asked Elliana softly. The other girl nodded, "Yes.". Elliana scanned her surroundings, whoever was watching her was good at hiding.

Eventually she spotted a hooded figure perched on the clock tower. To a human, the figure would be hard to spot since they blended well into the shadows but even with better vision, Elliana couldn't see who was under the hood. "Lets go back Elle." Jane urged, her companion nodded and both vampires quickly returned to the castle.

Jane and Elliana entered the chamber where most of the high guard and the masters were present. "Ah Elliana my dear, was your hunt fulfilling?" Aro asked, turning towards the two. Alec, sensing something was distressing his mate and his sister, rushed to Elliana's side and wrapped his arm around her waist. Aro then noticed the sombre expression on Jane's face and gestured for her to take his hand.

The chamber was full of silence as Aro peered through Jane's memories. He let go of her hand and his normal smile fell from his face. Aro turned to Demetri and Felix, "We have an intruder in Volterra, they were last seen on the clocktower.". Both vampires quickly left the chamber to hunt down the vampire.

Caius stood angrily, "Who would dare?!"

"Who would indeed, and now of all times.." Aro murmured thoughtfully, "It seems we have been lenient on the patrols.".

The guards looked at each other, all not wanting to be subjected to punishment.

"We will discuss this later." Aro said, he then turned to Elliana. "For the meantime Elliana, I will have to insist that you not venture beyond the castle to hunt."

Elliana was about to protest when Alec tightened his hold on her waist. She looked at him with frustration despite his stern look, "Its for the best, I will not risk your safety.". Elliana reluctantly agreed and followed her mate back to their room when they were dismissed.

"I can take care of myself Alec."

Alec turned to his mate and held on to her hand, "I know that but until this vampire is captured, I would rather you stay here."

Elliana stubbornly avoided his gaze and Alec sighed, "Instead, we can spend time practicing with your gift, and you can spar with some of the guard.".

Elliana perked up and looked at Alec with a gleam in her eyes. Alec sighed again, he had a feeling he would regret this. 

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