Chapter 8

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                                                "She  bloomed in the presence of winter"

                                                                                     -r.h sin

                            A little girl, no older than ten, stood on a field with a variety of blues, violets  and white around her. She was working on a flower crown covered in forget-me-nots and anemone's. A bright and innocent smile on her face, as she happily finished the crown with the intention of giving it to her mother, who laid in bed, ill. It was nothing too alarming, her mother was simply exhausted and was in need of much rest, or so the little girl was told. In good spirits, the little girl quickly made her way home to give the flower crown to her mother, in hopes it will help her recovery.

What the innocent girl did not know, was that day, her life would never be the same.

Elliana pov

               We slowly approached our home, when Georgianna rushed out to greet us. "Your back!!" she hugged Richard and Miranda, who both smiled and returned it. "Yes, thankfully without trouble. How have you been while we were gone?" Richard asked the smaller vampire. She smiled in glee "Just alright, there were no disturbances while you were all away.". He nodded at her answer and she turned to Neil and I. Neil was silent for the rest of our trip, I caught him glancing at me every now and then and my heart sank. If only he knew the half of me that wishes things were different. The other half was over the moon at the knowledge that there is someone out there for me, that the loneliness of how many centuries I had to endure could possibly end.

"Elle!" I turned and smiled in time to catch Georgianna as she threw herself at me, I laughed a little "Oh it is good to see you too, Gianna.". William and Elizabeth came out of the mansion to greet us with smiles. Gianna moved to welcome Neil as I watched William and Elizabeths exchange with my adoptive parents. "I heard there were no trouble." Richard said to William, in a professional manner. William shook his head "None, I trust everything went well?" ,  Miranda hugged Lizzy before answering "Yes, after a few more witnesses, the Volturi has deemed the Cullens innocent and we were allowed to leave in peace.".

"Yes, for now..." Neil mumbled as Gianna looked at him questionably. "What do you mean Neil?" Lizzy asked. The three noticed the grim looks of Richard and Miranda. "What happened?" Georgianna asked, looking at us in worried manner. I refused to look at anyone and kept my eyes on the floor.
"What?!" William exclaimed. Richard had us sit in the living room as he explained the situation to William, Lizzy and Gianna, who did not come along to witness. Elizabeth quickly put a hand on her mates arm, to calm him down. "So.. Elle found her mate?" Gianna asked in a meek voice and Miranda nodded grimly, "Yes,her mate is a Volturi.".

Neil smirked coldly from his place on one of the armchairs "A witch.". Williams eyes darkened "Alec Volturi?!". I kept my head down, with my hair covering my face. I knew they would not take this well. I to had a hard time comprehending the fact that my mate is a Volturi, and one of the high guards at that! I began to run through all the scenarios that could happen now. The first being that my mate would come for me and make me leave my family. The other would be the Volturi summoning us to Volterra and then making me stay. The most unlikely scenario, is him not wanting me as a mate and allowing me to stay with my family, a thought that made my stomach drop and my chest ache.

I do not know if I will be able to accept it if he were to reject me.

"I suppose nothing can be done then?" Elizabeth asked, keeping her hand on William who was fuming silently. Richard shook his head "No, we cannot keep Elliana from them. It-". "And why not?!" Neil interrupted, standing up in rage. His eyes darkened as he snarled at Richard who narrowed his eyes at him. "Because it will only have consequences for both us and the Volturi." Richard answered him in a firm tone.

"We cannot negotiate then? Perhaps find a compromise?" Gianna asked, still hopeful we could find a way for me to stay with them. Miranda shook her head "No, Aro will not deny Alec his mate. He will order Elliana to stay with them in Volturi. If we retaliate, it could mean the destruction of this coven.". If I did not go, they will kill my entire family? I cannot let that happen, they are my family and I would do anything to keep them safe. Even if it means staying with a coven as dangerous as the Volturi.
"I will go then.", they turned there heads towards me in shock. I took an unnecessary breath and avoided Neil or Williams eyes. "Should they come for me, I will go willingly." I said firmly, I will not allow myself to be the cause of my family's demise.

"Elliana!!" I hesitantly looked at Neil's eyes that spoke of hurt, anger and betrayal. He growled and stormed out the room, slamming the door as he left and nearly breaking it. I watched as William left in the same state and Elizabeth getting up to follow him, she looked at me and smiled softly "Give them both some time.". She quickly left the room to find William. Everyone else who remained, were silent and I could feel Gianna and Miranda's looks of pity.

I looked down at my feet, the emptiness growing.

Eternity (Alec Volturi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora