Chapter 13

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Elliana pov

                 Alec and I stood in front of the mansion with my family, today is the day I have to leave for Volterra. Alec had my back pack, it was only filled with pictures and a few trinkets I wanted to bring. Alec promised that I could buy my clothes in Volterra, to avoid bringing a lot. He booked us two tickets to fly to Volterra. Volterra is a sunny place so it would attract to much attention to run there.

Miranda gave me a tight hug, "Stay safe, and call us every now and then". I nodded, remembering my phone that I safely kept in my backpack. Although my family were more old-school, we preffered to keep up with the modern technology to blend in with the humans.

Alec took my hand into his and we ran off into the woods. We stopped near the airport and took a taxi. The trip was quiet with Alec holding on to my hand tightly. We've developed a quiet companionship. It's not like we never say anything, but our presence alone is enough.

Once we got to the airport, Alec purchased two tickets for a flight to Volterra Italy. While he was talking to the flight attendant at the desk, I couldn't help but notice all the stares we were getting. Alec and I wore contacts that would melt in a few hours but with vampirism comes ethereal beauty.

On the plane, I was so tense. My family and I rarely ever use human transport by air because we didn't need it so the occasional jerking movement going up and down and side to side was foreign. I gripped on to the arms of my seat, I think I dented it a little. Alec quickly grabbed my hand and let me grip on it as we took off. The flight itself was a little uncomfortable with the smell of humans around us but Alec kept me controlled by rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.

When we finally landed, a black car was waiting for us just outside the airport. Demetri was leaning against the door of the car as we walked towards him. "It took you long enough Alec." the tracker said, smirking at the slight twitch of Alec's eye. "It could not be helped. I think you should give your greetings, or have you forgotten your manners while I was away?", Demetri scowled at him in reply before turning to me. He put on a charming smile and walked towards me. Demetri bowed a little and took my hand "Welcome to Volterra Ms. Elluana. ". Alec snarled and I gave a nervous smile,"Thank you sir..".
"You can calm down Alec, you know I already have a mate." Demetri smirked at Alec and motioned to the car. We got in and he drove off.

The ride was relatively quiet except for the occasional short talk between. Alec and Demetri in Italian. Being immortal gave me a lot of free time which I used to learn more about the world. Richard taught me history, geography and mythology while Miranda taught me different languages. I managed to learn Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese so far but I might as well learn a bit of Italian while I am here. I should also learn the history of the Volturi, it might be useful later on.


I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my attention to Alec. Alec looked at me with a little concern. I smiled at him "Sorry, what were you saying?". It was Demetri who replied from the driver's seat, "We are almost there.".

That was when I noticed the change in scenery. A few minutes ago all I saw was green grass and trees, now we were in the city. The buildings looked ancient with its sandy brown color and rustic detail. There were not a lot of people, few were walking up and down the streets while some were in shops. There were also a lot of tourists and I could not help but feel a little dread for them. At some point we passed an old church and I could not help but think about the irony.

"Is it always so sunny?" I questioned out loud. "Most of the time, yes. The Volturi spend most of the day inside so no one will notice." Alec answered.
"It has been raining lately, so we have a little more freedom to roam around the city during the day. Perhaps after your all settled, you can explore." Demetri suggested. "Perhaps." Alec replied and I turned around to look at him.

I wanted to look around Volterra and I would rather not do it during the night. Alec must have realized this because he patted my knee affectionately before agreeing to talk about it later.

We arrived at the castle and Demetri parked at the back. When I stepped out I could not help but notice the many sports cars. Sometimes vampires take advantage of the luxury humans can provide, Neil and William too take pleasure in collecting sports cars and racing. Georgiana and Miranda prefer indulging themselves in the latest fashion. Something I was not so crazy about outwardly but I indulged myself every now and then.

Thankfully, Lizzy was my one true companion in the vast library.

"Come along Elle." Alec ushered me into the castle.

We passed by the receptionist and it didn't take long for me to notice that she was human. The blonde woman stood and bowed as we passed, I could see her fingers twitching. She will either become one or become the next meal.

Refusing to think on it any further, I turned my attention to the design of the castle walls. Chips here and there prove the castle's age despite the renovation to preserve its beauty. The earth like color of the pillars give off an ancient look which no doubt lured in tourists.

Of course there were no questions as to what happens to those few tourists.

We stopped in front of two large doors. Alec squeezed my hand in reassurance before Demetri pushed the doors open.

The hall was cylinder in shape, with the pillars sculpted in a Greek style.  Three throne like chairs were placed in an elevated platform and on them were the three leaders of the Volturi.

Aro stood from his position and walked down the platform,

"Ah.. Alec, welcome home."

I'm sorry, I know I'm terrible for not updating until now.


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