Chapter 12

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3rd Pov

The next few days were awkward to say the least. Majority of the coven members managed to stay civil towards the Volturi member. A few, namely Miranda and Georgiana, were quite welcoming to their coven members mate, despite his reputation and his coven. Alec was grateful for the hospitality that the family tried to give, unfortunately there were far to many close calls when it came it Neil. William, after a sound scolding from Elizabeth, had began to begrudgingly accept Alec's presence in the house, of course this didn't mean he accepted Alec as Elle's mate. Neil on the other hand, still resisted against him especially when Alec hovered over Elliana in a 'lost-puppy' way. The ones who remained neutral to Alec's presence were Elizabeth and Richard, who in all honesty did not really care much with him as long as he wasn't stirring up trouble.

Alec spent majority of his time getting to know Elliana. He had assisted her in packing a few clothes and other valuable items she wanted to bring along. Elliana considered bringing a few of her favorite books, but was assured by Alec that the library in Volterra was quite big and would suit to her taste. Afterwards he accompanied her on walks around the estate, talking about their experiences in their immortal life. The topic of their human lives seemed a bit to sensitive for them at the moment, but they seemed to progress nicely.

Elleana sat on the tree branch of a large pine tree, reading the new book in the 'Harry Potter' series, 'The Goblet of Fire.'. Elleana actually finds the new books that humans create quite interesting, it never ceases to amaze her when humans think of such imaginative characters. A small gut of wind blew at her hair and Elleana smiled. She turned her head to the branch next to her, and sure enough, Alec was purched on top, smiling back at her. "Are you hiding from my brother again?" Elliana asked, mirth laced in her voice. Alec shook his head "No, I've actually come to keep my beautiful mate company. Your brother is most probably glaring at us through the window of his room right about.". Elle let out a small laugh and places her book down, she scans the windows that have an open view to the forest and no surprise, Neil was indeed glaring at them through his window.

Elle sighed and turned to Alec, "I am sorry about Neil, he has not really been so accepting when it comes to..." she looked awkwardly at him then gestured in between them "this.". Even with the time they have spent with each other, Elle was still unsure on where they stood relationship-wise. Alec assured her that they could take it slow, he observed that his mate was rather cautious when it came to attachments. Alec did not want to rush her, as long as she stayed near him, he would be somewhat satisfied.

Alec shook his head "Its alright, I had hoped for a good relationship with your coven.". Elliana noticed that some of her coven mates have begun to like Alec. Miranda has been the most accepting from day one. Georgiana innitiates small talk with him every now and then. Richard seems to enjoy conversing with Alec on the events in history and the happenings of present times. Elizabeth and William remain distant but Elliana was not so bothered with that. Elizabeth is already very civil and you cannot expect much from William.

"It seems most of my family has already accepted you." Elleana mused. She turned to face Alec, "Although I do hope that Neil and William will come around soon. I won't get to see them for a while.". Alec frowned at that and she asked what was wrong. He shook his head before replying soflty "It has been 3 days now Elle. My master only gave me 5 days at most. We will have to go soon.". Elliana nodded sadly, "We can leave tomorrow then.".

Silence followed, both were to busy in their thoughts of the future. Elliana was the first to break the silence,

"What will I do in the Volturi?". Alec looked shocked at my question but recovered quickly. "I would prefer it if you did nothing." I frowned at him, I didn't like doing nothing. He noticed and continued "But because I know you wouldn't like that, I will speak with master Aro and find out if you could do something. I still would prefer it though if you did not go on missions.". I smiled at him gratefully.

Alec seems so calm about this whole thing and yet I cannot help but worry a little. I don't think I will fit in with the rest of the Volturi. Based on the stories I have heard, they were cruel and at most times cold. Their coven was built on the basis of power, so for them it's the strongest prevail and the weak get disposed of. Although then again, that's one rule the world has abided by for centuries. "What is wrong Elle? I can tell something is troubling you." Alec asked, noticing my silence. I wonder how he does that, Alec can read me so easily when even some of my coven members cannot.

I smile weakly before answering, "I feel a little nervous.". Alec looked perplexed, "Whatever for?". I hesitate to tell him about my worries. "I'm afraid that I won't fit in with your coven." I said in a soft voice. Alec smiled and reached for my hand, "There is nothing you should worry about, we are not as bad as everyone thinks. My sister is quite excited to meet you, she would like to have another companion who is not afraid of her.".

"What is your sister like?" I asked, wanting to change the topic. We spent the rest of the day, talking about our family members and of our travels around the world. I discovered that Alec loves books as much as I do, and he promised to show me his personal library. I shared with him my habit of observing humans. Alec seemed to not like the idea, but he listened to every word I said.

We were so immersed in our conversation that we did not notice the sun set. "Its a little dark now, shall we return to the mansion?" Alec asked, looking up at the sky. I nodded and watched as he jumped down. I quickly followed him and landed gracefully on my feet. We walked back to the mansion in silence when he abruptly held my wrist which made me pause. I turned to him curiously, Alec looked nervous. "Do you not want to join the Volturi?" he asked. I was taken back by his question. I won't deny that I had my reservations with the plan, but at the same time...

"I admit, I was a little scared." Alec looked sad and I hastily continued "But it doesn't matter, I don't want to separate you from your coven and your sister. I still get to see my family so now I don't mind anymore.". Alec looked relieved to know that I was alright with it. He held both my hand and looked me in the eye. So many emotions flickered through them, I couldn't identify it all. "I know this is not what you expected to happen when you find your mate. But can I hope that you will accept it all?" Alec asked in a soft voice. I look him in they eye and I could not resist, "You can Alec.".

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