2: Family Dinner

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"Let me show you your new room." Hank said, I followed him upstairs and to new room or, if you look at it the way I do, Owen's old room.

He opened the door, revealing a blue painted walls room with a bed, a desk, a nightstand, and a dresser. I sat on my new bed and glanced up at Hank, he smiled and I looked away.

"Hank?" I question, he sits down next to me. "This was his room, right? Owen, I mean." He sighed. "Yeah it is, it was." My lip quivered and I tried to hide my emotions.

"Carrie, what's wrong?" He asked, I shook my head. "N, nothing." I stumbled out, I didn't want him to think I'm an emotional mess. "Oh, tell me. I'm here for you." I shrugged.

"It's just, I don't know. I feel like I don't belong here." He pursed his lips and tried to find the right words. "You do belong, what's this really about? Is it Owen, was he mean to you?"

I couldn't keep a straight face and he read me like a dictionary. "I told him to be nice." He looked so angry, this wasn't going to end well.

"Please don't say anything, he'll hate me even more." I plead, he gave me a kind and caring look. "He doesn't hate you, he's just confused." That was a bad lie.

"Why is he the only one confused then, all the other boys are nice. Hell, Benji called me his sister!" His expression brightened. "He did?! Oh, that's lovely!" I thought so too.

"Is he your favorite?" Hank asked, I giggled. "He's one of my favorite." He thought for a moment. "Let me guess, you like Eric right?" I nod, he's just so nice. "He's such a people person."

"I can tell, I wish he lived here." I said, Hank patted my back. "I feel that too, he lives a few miles away though." That's nice, there family is so close.

Hank checked his watch and his eyes went wide and he stood quickly. "I have to start dinner, my boys get crazy without food."

I stood like him and asked. "Do you want some help? I'm good at cooking." I offered, he gave me another smile.

"You settle into your new room, thank you though." He left and I looked through one of my many boxes in my room.

I was going through my clothes when a figure jump on me, I screamed and turned around. Benji was standing there, looking as shocked as I was.

"Benji, you can't just jump on people." He frowned and looked at his shoes. "Sorry, sis." I couldn't stay mad at him any longer. "Okay, I forgive you."

Another figure jumping into my room with a baseball bat shocked both me and Benji, he jumped in my arms and I realized it was Liam.

"What's wrong? I heard screaming!" He said, just as a way less concerned Luke came behind us. "She's fine, Benji screwed with her."

Benji looked sad again and I hugged him. "Don't worry, I'm fine." Benji's smile came back and it warmed my heart.

"Look, she's already picked her Anderson boy." Liam said, sitting on my new desk chair. "I'm disappointed you didn't pick me, I'm the best kid out them all." Luke added, sitting on my bed.

Okay, I guess I'm hanging out with them now. "Your all nice." I said, playing with Benji's almost brown hair, he seemed to like it.

"No one told me we were having a family meeting." Xander said, also walking into my room. Okay, wow everyone's joining the party. "This is a big kid talk." Liam said.

Xander looked at Benji who was slowly drifting off in my arms. "Your serious?! I'm four years older then him!" Xander plopped down on the floor next to me.

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