Chapter 32

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*Isabella's point of view* 

We visited everyone at the tower at least once a month, Nat, Wanda, and Pietro come here too. I would get letters in the mail from all my friends, wishing Loki and I well. 

It's been a few years since we moved here, and so far, we don't have any threats coming our way. I sometimes accompany the team on missions, but lately, I've been spending time with Loki. We both got jobs, even though Tony pays all the bills and everything, we just needed something to pass the time.

Tomorrow is our wedding!!

He proposed to me about 6 months ago, promising me the world. Of course I said yes.

I have my dress picked out, how I'm going to do my hair, and everything else!! Nat is the maid of honor. I didn't choose Wanda because she is my sister, and she already knows how important she is to me.

Only the Avengers are going to be there. Frigga and Odin might be, I know that Frigga will definitely be here, I'm not so sure about Odin...

<<<1 day later>>>

I'm up here, facing Loki, saying my vows, holding back tears, my smile huge. He slips the ring on my finger and seals the marriage with a kiss. We walk back down the aisle, cheering and dancing along with everyone.

All the rest was a blur, I was so focused on trying to wrap the reality that Loki is now my husband around my head.

Frigga and Odin did make it, and they are dancing in the corner, smiles bright. I'm glad they are having fun.

I dance with Loki until it's dark and everyone has left. Then, we go back home.

<<<3 months later>>>

We arrive at the tower and are greeted by hugs and food. Lot's of it. I am eating for two...

"Congratulations, Bella!!!" Wanda claps, jumping up and down.

I'm congratulated by everyone and they all want to know the gender.

I don't even know, only Loki does. Speaking of Loki, he should be here with the box soon....

A few minutes later, he walks in with a big cardboard box. I know that inside, either blue or pink balloons are sitting there in the dark, waiting for the lid to open so they can fly out and tell us the gender.

He sets it in front of me and everyone gathers around, smiles wide.

"3, 2, 1!" I shout and rip open the lid.

Pink balloons float up from the darkness and I jump into Loki's arms, crying. But it's the happy crying.

Everyone else is excited and Wanda is already going over names, "Olivia, Lidia, Rose, Ruby, Samantha, Crystal, Eva.." She goes on and on.

I smile at her and turn my attention to Bucky, who is making plans for a crib. He says it has to have silk, lace, and a very soft mattress. Loki actually smiles at that.

I'm happy that my life is finally getting normal.

<<<3 years later>>>

Astrid and Treyton are playing the field as Loki and I watch.

Astrid is our daughter, who is 2 1/2 years old, and Treyton is 1. Nothing bad has happened, and we still visit our friends, just not as often because of the kids. They come visit us a lot though. Especially Wanda, who spends most of the time with the kids. Nat loves them too.

We just had one problem, my mortality. Loki is immortal and I wasn't. Luckily, one golden apple from the garden on Asgard fixed that. Since Loki was already immortal and a frost giant, our children will become immortal once they reach full maturity. They also have powers. They both have the same kind, mine, and a lot of Loki's magic. They have been a handful, but I love them with all my heart.

Turning to Loki, I rest my head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath.

"I love you." I tell him.

He looks at me, takes my face into his hands and kisses me, "I love you too."

Thank you so so so so much for reading!! I appreciate it so much!!! I hope you liked it!!

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