Chapter 7

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*Isabella's point of view*

"AVENGERS!" Steve shouts, "we are needed!!"

"What's going on, Cap?" Clint asks.

"There is an attack going on in California. The authorities cant handle it, so Fury called us in. We need to go now."

"Are we taking the jet?" I ask.

"You cant come, Bella." Nat says.

"Why not??"

"Because you dont have enough experience yet." Nat replies, sympathetic.

"Dammit!!" I shout, "something finally happens and I cant even help!!"

"Bella, I know that this is upsetting, but we dont want you to get hurt." Steve says, "and besides, someone needs to watch Loki."

"I DONT NEED A BABYSITTER!!" Loki screams from the next room, "AND IF I WANT SOMEONE TO STAY!!!!"

"He is such a drama queen." I roll my eyes, "can he ever grow up??"

"You can say that again." Nat says with a snort of laughter.

"Guys, focus!!" Tony snaps, "we need to get to California. If Bella wants to come with us, then let her."

"Thank you, Tony!!" I giggle as a squeeze him into a hug.

"Ok, kid, no problem. I believe in you, you can come kick some ass with us!"

"What are we waiting for???!! Let's go!!" I start pulling Thors arm, wanting to get going as soon as possible.

"As for reindeer games," tony says, walking over to loki, who glares at him, "he is going to have to stay here without his precious powers." Tony slaps some sort of handcuffs on loki before the god can do anything.

"Why you absolute ASSHOLE!!!" loki shouts, "How dare you put these disgusting things on me and take away my powers!! You will pay for that puny mortal!!!"

"Shut it, brother." Thor says, annoyed.

"Guys, let's get going!!" I say impatiently.

"Ok, ok, jeez." Clint playfully shoves me.

I run out the room to escape Loki's glare, and bolt to the jet. I start it up and wait for the team to hurry their asses up.

After what seems like eternity, they arrive.

"Okay avengers, when we get there, we are to save any civilians, and take down the attackers without doing any major damage. Is that clear?" Steve orders.

"Clear." We all say.

"Then let's get going." With that, he starts up the jet and we fly into the air.

30 minutes later, we land a mile out from the attack. I jump off the ramp and start running toward the battle, the rest of the team right behind me.

As we near the city, I start to hear the sounds of panicked people and building crumbling. Cap grunts and starts to run as fast as he can. He gets ahead of all of us in no time.

As soon as we get to the city, we start ushering people to safety. Nat shoots at something I dont catch, but judging by her face, it's not good.

"LOOK OUT!!" Cap yells as a building starts to fall. He slides over to me and grabs me around my waist, holding his shield above out heads as tons of rubble rain down.

Luckily, no body else was in the damage zone.

"Thanks, cap." I say, grateful.

"No problem, be careful!" He shouts as he climbs out of the rubble.

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