Chapter 13

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*Isabellas point of view*

It took a couple of days for loki to heal, but once he got his magic back, he healed himself fully.

"So tell me about yourself, Isabella?" Loki asks.

We are sitting on the couch in my room. The lights are dim and the fire is going. A blanket is wrapped around me and I'm sipping hot chocolate. Its november and its snowing heavy flakes outside my window.

"Well, I was raised in a not so good living condition until about age 13 or 14, its hard to remember. Anyway, I was taken around that age and kept in a Hydra holding facility or something. There, I was tortured. They thought there was something special about me. Like I had powers or something, so they did tests and experiments on me. I was in there until Cap rescued me." I sigh, remembering the things they did to me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to block out the memories.

A tear slides down my cheek and i quickly wipe it away.

"Anyway," I start, looking back up at loki, "when you got hit with the dagger, I fell to the ground and some sort of purple mist sprayed out around me, killing every single one of the enemies, kind of like Wanda's power. So I guess all the experiments Hydra did to me wasn't for nothing."

"Wait, so you have...powers?" Loki asks.

"I guess so...."

"We have to tell the team!!!!" Loki says, enthusiastically.

I laugh and blush at his excitement.

"Fiiinnneeee." I surrender.

"Yes!!!" He yells, jumping off the couch, pulling me with him. Luckily for him, I had set my drink down before he could lift me off the couch.

He takes me into his arms and teleports to the living room.


"Cause I'm not a normal person." Loki shoots at him.

"Guys, shut up!" I shout, "I have something important to tell you all!"

"YOURE PREGNANT ARENT YOU!?!?!!?" Tony screams like a little girl. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!  LOKI!!  WHY DIDNT YOU USE PROTECTION!?!?!?"

I glare at him and walk towards him. He backs up until his back is pressed against the huge ass window. I keep staring at him, unblinking. He shifts uncomfortably and scratches his head.

"So you're not pregnant?... right?" He asks.

"You're suck a fucktard." I tell him, "loki, would you like to do the honors?"

"Of course darling." He replies, walking over to stark, staring him down, and kicking him in the chest, breaking the window, causing tony to fall.

"Assholes!!!!" I hear him yell as he falls.

Not a minute later, he flys back up in his newest suit, grumbling about tag teaming.

"Anyway, as I was saying, i have important news!!" I exclaim.

"Tell us!!" Wanda says, amusement on her face.

"Well, you know how your powers are red and misty? Well, when loki was stabbed, did any of you realize that every enemy all of a sudden died?" I ask, hinting at my powers.

"Well, now that you mention it, yeah." Steve says, thinking.

"That was me." I tell them.

"What???" Wanda stands up, "what color??"

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