Chapter 12

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*Isabellas point of view*

I cant stop sobbing. Loki might not live.

I cant take it.

I cry into thor's shoulder as he hugs me tight.

"Dont worry, bella." A voice says.

"How can I NOT worry!?!!??" I scream, "LOKI MIGHT NOT....might"

"Shhhhhh," thor says into my hair, hugging me close, "he will be okay. I know my brother. Hes died at least twice, and hes still here. I'm sure a dagger isnt going to kill him."

"But dont know that."

"That is true, but you have to trust me, Bella. He will live." Thor reassures me.

I sniffle and look up, we are just about to land. I jump up and rush over to loki, not caring about anyone but him.

Cap picks him up like he is a feather and carrys him off the jet, placing him on a bed that he called ahead for.

I run after them as they quickly wheel loki to the infirmity.

"Bella!" Someone calls.

I dont look back.

I keep running.

*lokis point of view*


That's all I see.

All the surrounds me.

I hear voices though.

One of them sounds like Isabella's voice.

I can feel myself going somewhere. I'm laying on something very uncomfortable, but its soft at the same time.

"We need to get him into surgery." Someone says.

'LIKE HELL YOU DO!!!  IM NOT LETTING YOU CUT ME OPEN AND POKE AROUND MY INSIDES!!' I scream, wishing I could scream it out loud.

Pounding footsteps follow me. They must belong to Isabella. I hope shes alright.

A shaking hand grabs mine and dosent let go.

"Loki," a soft voice says, "if you can hear me, you need to wake up. Please."

I do need to wake up.

I try to move something, anything, to prove I'm awake.

"Step back."

"But he, I, i cant just, please!" Isabella cries.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to get back!"

"Loki!!!!!!!" She yells as she gets pulled away.

I'm scared now.

What's going to happen to me???

I feel myself coming to a stop. They have stopped wheeling me somewhere.

A needle is shoved into my arm and soon, I can hear voices.

"Hes going to make it, please tell her that."

Isabella must be freaking out.

There is nothing I can do until I wake up!!

Something is put over my mouth and I breathe some sort of gas in. It makes me dizzy.

I sink into the darkness.


And deeper.

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