Chapter 5

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*Isabella's point of view*

Loki is here, in my room. Shit. What do I do?

"Hi, I'm Isabella." I say cautiously.

"Loki." He replies.


What do I do???? I dont know what to say!!! Do I ask him what he is doing in my room? Or would he hurt me for being rude??? I'm scared, I don't know him!!! What do I do????

*loki's point of view*

I step out from the shadows and into the light. She looks surprised, but there is a hint of fear behind her dull, blue eyes.

She stutters as she tries to speak. It's cute.

Wait. No it's not.


I need to think of something to say. My silver tongue is failing me.

"Earlier today, when you walked into the elevator, I believe you saw me. Is this true?"

"Y-yes." She stammers

"What did you think of me?"

"You seemed calm and quiet."

"That is indeed true. What has the team told you about me?" I asked, curious.

"Well," she started, "they told me that you were evil, and you tried to take over Earth. And that I shouldn't trust you."

I sigh. Of course they told her all of that. Never any of the good things.

"Of course. I never expected anything less of them." I snap.

She shrinks back at my sharp tone.

"Ca-can you leave now please?" She asks quietly.

How dare she tell me to leave! I am a god! This mortal should not be telling me what to do!

"First of all," I say angrily, "I am a god, and I will NOT be talked to in that matter. Second, I am a powerful being you puny mortal! I will not let you speak to me like that!"

"I'm sorry." She squeaks.

"You will never speak that way to me again, do you understand??!" I shout.

She starts crying and covers her head with the blanket. I continue standing there, anger flaring out of my eyes.

Not a minute later, Natasha kicks the door down and runs in, going to comfort Isabella. Pathetic.

"Hey, hey, hey," she starts, "everythings ok. Loki is just a complete asshole. Dont listen to him."

Natasha stands up after Isabella stops crying and stomps over to me. She stands tall, but I am taller, she has to look up. I almost laugh at this. A little red haired mortal, compared to me. A god who has been alive for over 1000 years.

The sharp pain in my cheek is sudden. I stagger backwards as Natasha keeps coming at me.

"You bastard! You complete FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" How dare you make Bella cry! You think that just because you are a god, that you have power over everybody? Well news-fucking-flash!!! You aren't!! You are just a stuck up, egotistical, asshole!!!" Go to hell." She slaps me again.

I stare, stunned at her words. No body has ever talked to me like that. It takes me a minute to gather my thoughts. By that time, everyone in the building in in Isabella's room. Glaring at me.

"Take a picture, I will last longer." I remark, sarcastically.

Steve walks up to me and stares me straight in the eye. "You are not allowed in Bellas room. Leave now. Before things get ugly."

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