Chapter 4

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*Isabella's point of view*

They said they would help me escape. Then why are we getting attacked?

"Nat, get her to the jet!!" The one in red and blue yells.

"On it, steve!" She yells back.

She grabs my arm and starts to pull me through the fighting. I flinch when she touches me. She notices it and starts apologizing. "Are you ok?" She asks me, her tone worried.

I nod my head and keep my eyes down.

"Come on, we need to keep to the jet." She holds out her hand in an offer for me to take it. I take it, but I dont like it.
She punches a guy in the face who tries to take me.

"Thank you." I croak.

She looks surprised, but answers, "you're welcome, now hurry, we need to get to safety."

I try my best to keep up with her as she weaves her way through the crowd and out the big concrete doors, and into the harsh light of the snow. I cover my eyes with my hand and let her lead the way.  If shes taking me somewhere, I dont care where, i just need to get as far away from this place as possible.

Soon, I feel metal beneath my feet. I squint my eyes at the floor, and slowly look up. I see her well for the first time. She has red hair, shorter than mine, and her features are beautiful. She has on a Hydra uniform and I get scared at the sight of it.

She soothes me saying that these are just what we had to wear to help me. She strips out of it and under the uniform, she is wearing a skin tight suit, and she looks badass.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Isabella." I answer her softly.

"Well, Isabella, once the guys get here, we will explain what's going on, and we will take you to our home and let you stay there if you would like."

As soon as she says that, the 3 men that I remember from earlier run onto the ship.

"Start the engine!!" One of them yells.

The red haired one, who I think is named Nat, runs to the front of the jet and presses a bunch of buttons. The ramp starts closing, but not quickly enough. 5 people jump on and come attack us.

I cringe back and slowly step backward as the guys fight. Soon, Nat joins them.

I close my eyes and hope for it to be all over.

I hear a scream and my eyes snap open. I see someone running toward me. It's not one of the good guys. I start crying and raise my hands to cover my face.

Thats when I realize I dont have chains on my wrists anymore. With a smirk, I punch the guy in the face.

I yell out in pain as my wrist gives out. It's been so long since I punched someone. Luckily, my wrist didnt break. I kick they guys in the stomach and when he bends over, I knee him in the nose. I hear a crack and he falls backwards. I jump on top of him and elbow him repeatedly in the face. He tries to escape me, but I keep hurting him, over and over I punch him and I take all my anger out on him.

Strong arms lift me up and pull me away from him. I'm still yelling at him and trying to kick him.
"Let me go!!!" I yell, "he deserves to die for all the things he has done to me!" I start to cry and the arms wrap me up and pull me into a hug.

I collapse into him and cry into his chest. When I feel brave enough to look at him, we are already in the air and flying away to their home. He is the one who reminds me of barbie. He looks down and smiles at me. He is handsome, I'll give him that. I smile back at him wearily.

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