Chapter 17

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*Isabella's point of view*

The worst part about trusting people is that you never know if they will betray you.

I've learned my lesson about trusting people. Never again.

The man who took the collar off me helped me escape the building. As soon as the alarm sounded, we started sprinting down the street towards a black van.

Of course my parents warned me about strangers and getting into their vans, but what choice did I honestly have? More torture or this man with a van?

I'm going with the van.

I jump in and he shuts the door, locking me in darkness. I hear him climb into the front seat and start the engine. Wriggling around, I find the door handle, just to be cautious.

I realize I dont even know his name.

Knocking on the wall closest to him, I call out, asking his name.

I hear him chuckle as he answers, "I'm not giving you my name, princess. It wont matter in a few minutes because someone else is going to take you to your friends. I cant go by them, they hate me."


"Let's just say that being a part of HYDRA is not a way to get onto thier nice list."

"Wait, you're from HYDRA?" I ask, scooting backwards toward the door.

"That's correct. And now that you know, I'm going to have to kill you. What a shame. The boss was going to pay big money for you, but oh well, I'm sure we can have some fun before you depart from this world."

Trusting him was a mistake.


Panicking, I call on my powers to come defend me.

"Not so fast sweetheart."

A sharp pain in my neck startles me and I jump to my feet. I sit back down a moment later because I'm getting dizzy. This must be a tranquilizer dart.






*Wanda's point of view*

I kick the door in and bolt inside. There, I'm met with a dozen HYDRA soldiers. With a flick of my hand, they are slammed against the wall, knocked out cold.

"...thanks." a grumpy looking Steve mumbles, "I wanted to help."

"You can get the next ones." I say in a voice you would talk to your dog in, while patting his cheek.

Something inaudible comes out of his mouth. I just roll my eyes, he can be a baby sometimes.

"Come on guys, let's get going." Stark orders.

"Who is the leader of this team?!" Steve spins to face him.

"You, but I just pay for everything, build everything and make everyone look cool, but you are the leader, Roger's." Tony sarcastically says.

"GUYS, FOCUS PLEASE!" I shout at them.

Honestly, they are children!

"Uh, guys?" Nat says, tapping my shoulder, "while they were comparing sizes, we got surrounded, beaten and captured."

"WHAT? HOW?!" I turn around to find at least two dozen guys with guns that are pointed at our heads, everyone else is tied up and bloody.

"Shit." Stark swears.

"WATCH YOUR LANGUA-" steve is knocked out.

"Shiiiitttt." Tony yells as he blasts guy after guy, making no progress at all.

I fire up my powers and throw them, one after the other, into eachother, injuring them.

Nat, stark, and I are Bellas last defenceman.

We fight to our limits.

But they just keep coming.

Nat was beaten first.

She got tired because, after all, she is just human.

Then it was stark.

He is human too, but he is in his iron suit.

I have no idea how they captured pietro or hulk, but they did.

I'm the last man...wait...woman standing.

Bella needs me. I spray out a burst of power, disintegrating seven. Only.

Then everything goes black.

*Isabella's point of view*

I wake up chained to a table. A bright, white light is beating down on me, burning my eyes and making me sweat.

As I struggle against the chains, I hear knocking. Someone had the nerve to knock on the door.

Without even waking for a response (how rude) he walks in.

I dont know who, but it's a guy.

I strain my head against the chains as I try to follow his movements.

"Isabella," my name rolls off his tounge, "what a surprise."

"Go to hell." I spit at him.

"Now, now, that's not nice." He clicks his tounge at me.

"What do you want?!"

"To show you something."

I shudder at his tone. It does not sound appealing.

Suddenly, the table is moving, and I'm standing up. Still chained, but standing with my back firmly against the table.

He whistles as he rolls me down the hall. With every passing ceiling light, my anxiety grows.

Bigger and bigger.

"Where are you taking me?!"

"Be patient now, Isabella." He says, slowing down to talk, "earlier, your friends tried to bust you out. What they didnt know, was that they had the wrong building and that they were walking into an ambush. We have them, powers dampened, moral crushed, faces bruised. We need information about SHIELD you see, and the Avengers are the best way to get that. We've tried hacking into thier security system, but it's just too advanced."

"So my... all my friends are here?"

"Yes, but dont get your hopes up about them surviving."



I flinch at his sudden outburst, and that just makes him laugh.

We come to a window and what is inside if awful. All my friends are there, getting tortured individually.

I start screaming at the man, at the guys in the room that are hurting my friends, at nobody in particular, I just keep screaming.

"SHUT UP!" i get slapped across the face.


"let them go." I hiss through clenched teeth.

He chuckles, "not a chance."

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