Chapter 8

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*Loki's point of view*

I must have passed out. I dont know what happened to Isabella. They wont let me see her. They locked me up.

I saved her!! I should at least get to see her!! Right before I completely lost consciousness, I heard Natasha scream 'shes not breathing'  of course, that made my anxiety triple in my stomach, making me want to throw up. But I couldnt do anything. I passed out a second after.

When I woke up, I was in a cell and handcuffs were tightly secured on my wrists. The damn power dampener was back on me.


I barely even know her. Yet, I feel something, something strong. Its pulling me toward her. I have never felt this feeling before. I dont know what to do about it. I cant ask any of the team members, they wouldn't do anything, much less tell me anything.

"Brother..." thor walks in unexpectedly, "she is stable, but she is barely hanging onto life. She could slip away at any moment. I'm sorry."

It takes me a moment to process what he had just told me.

I cant believe it. She could die any time and I'm still in this cage!!!!

"Thor, please, I- I need to see her, I need t- to see her. Please." I break down in sobs. Screaming my lungs out.

"Loki, I'm so sorry, Cap and Tony dont  think you are well enough to see her."

"Well make them see!!" I scream, banging my fist on the glass, sinking to the floor. "Please."

"I will see what I can do." Thor says solemnly. "I will try." He leaves the room and me, to my sorrows.

"Th- thank you, brother." I whisper, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Why do I care so much about her? She is just a mortal. She will die way before I do. So why do I care so much?

"Clint?" I mumble, "friday, can you tell clint to come here please."

The AI voice replies, "I'm not supposed to take orders from you, but since you asked nicely and you are a total mess, I will inform him."

"I am not a mess." I grumble.

A few minutes later, clint walks in, looking exhausted and depressed.

"What do you want?" He asks in a harsh voice.

"No need to be so rude." I snap.

"Whatever." He starts to walk out.

"No! Wait!" I say, hoping he doesn't leave, "I need your he- help."

"Woah, loki, the GOD of mischief and lies, needing HELP?"

"Yeah, now would you shut up?!"

"No way! I'm going to get you to say that again!" He holds up his phone, taking a video, "say it again all powerful and mighty god of lies!"

"You're an asshole." I glare at him.

"Yes I am."

I roll my eyes. How do I tell him about Isabella? How do I explain this feeling toward her? What do I do?

"Loki. What do you want?" Clint says, clearly impatient.

I try to think of the best way to word this. Clint tapping his foot isnt helping at all.

I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

*Isabellas point of view*


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