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(A/N A warning: This chapter is mostly following the golden trio, but it's important for the storyline, so I hope you don't mind. Also, thank You Linavire08 for inventing tha last scene for me to write!

    "It doesn't matter if I die, you'll still lose, Voldemort!"
Voldemort's terribly cold laugh rang along the room full of Death Eaters of the inner and the second circles. The whole inner circle was there - excluding Bellatrix, who was sick in the upstairs from the effects of The miscarriage potion, and Rodolphus, who had been Obvialated to forget the fact that Bellatrix was Indeed pregnant with another man's child.
"You're a fool, Harry Potter. Soon you'll be dead, and I'll throw you at the gates of Hogwarts to show that you were just awfully lucky before."
Voldemort stepped a long, powerful step towards Ron, and dragged his wand along his neck. Hermione was laying on the floor from the bloodloss of her wound. The wound which spelled the words; 'property of Bellatrix Black'.
"Don't touch my friends!"
Before Voldemort could say anything, one of the doors to the room opened and Wormtail walked in, trembling a little in cold sweat as he bowed to the Dark Lord.
"My Lord, the snatchers wanted to get in, so I opened the barriers for a second - "
It happened in a flash. Hermione grabbed Harry's and Ron's feet with her hands, yelled at them to not let go under any circumintances and disapparated.

    The trio felt themselfs drop at the cold and wet ground, and started to collect each other from the ground, checking for any acute injuries. Harry was the first to say a word;
"D- Did we just apparate?"
"Yes. I am sorry, I didn't know what to do."
"No, don't be sorry Hermione, you just got us out of Voldemort's hands -"
"But I don't even have the license to apparate!"
"No one cares right now, we should go before they caught us again!"
This was one of the only times they heard Ron speak some sense, and started to carefully and weakly walk towards the huge castle, Hogwarts, in front of them. They saw a few people run from the school towards them, but before they were anywhere near them, every and each one of them passed out and fell to the ground.

     "Hello there, Ms. Granger."
Hermione woke to professor McGonagall's voice, with a hint of worry in it. She widened her eyes and tried to close them as a bright light blinded them as she opened them.
"Could you tell - "
"Not yet, Albus, with all die respect, I want to make sure she's alright before you ask your questions."
"Of course, Poppy."
Madam Pomfrey started to examine her completely and at some moments Hermione felt like she did something twice to only be sure. When Hermione opened her eyes fully, she saw Harry and Ron unconsious on own beds on her right in the hospital wing. In the room was their headmaster, Dumbledore, and Minerva along the mediwitch. The moment flashed on Hermione's mind and she asked quickly, desperately trying to not let tears fall from her shiny eyes;
"Did - Did you get the - the scar off?"
"I'm sorry dear, the weapon used to make it was cursed. Now, of you feel alright, pain is normal after that powerful Cruciatus curse, I'll let these two ask their questions."
Poppy Pomfrey left to her office and Dumbledore sat on an armchair next to another bed.
"Could you tell us what happened?"

    "Are you sure?"
"Are you?"
Harry had woken up too, and right now they were sitting on their beds, eyeing the sleeping Ron, discussing the possibility of what could be true.
"But do you really think she - they - would..."
Harry trailed off, not wanting to believe his own words. The door to the hospital wing opened again, and Dumbledore came in with this time Severus and Minerva. Harry glanced Snape suspiciously, but let it go as Dumbledore was there.
"Poppy said you wished to speak with me? Do you remember something else?"
Hermione and Harry took a deep breath and then she started speaking;
"We have though about something, professor. It sounds crazy, but everything fits so well."
Albus blinked his eyes behind his halfmoon classes and with a believing look engouraged the two to continue.
"We think Bellatrix Lestrange is pregnant. With Voldemort's child."

    In the Malfoy manor, Voldemort had tortured and killed Peter Pettigrew, and now, Bellatrix had, as always, got him to calm down. He was laying on her bed right next to the woman, smelling her aroma like many times before. She was really close to him - her head was almost on his lap. He looked out from her window again, only to see her star at the darkly painted sky.
No response. He turned to look at her again, and saw her closed eyes and steady breathing. Normally he would've waken her up from his lap immeadiatly, but suddenly, he didn't mind. At all. He might have even felt a little smile visit on his lips.

A/N I need your help: Who should Draco be betrothed to? Should Nymphadora, after all, be on OOTP's side?


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