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Here are a few things I want to make clear before you start reading:

- This has nothing to do with my other story! These are two different stories, and are about different things, even if they are very similar to each other.

- This mostly doesn't follow the canon, but there are some scenes you can regocnize from the books.

- You'll see the other pairings when you start reading (they're mostly the same as they are in the books). But, this story is mostly about some kind of a relationship (at least about a "friend"ship) between Bellatrix and Voldemort.

- I'll try to keep everyone in character, but they may be at least a little OOC. And I also want to remind you, that they're probably very different with each other (in Death Eater/pureblood balls and partys etc.) than in a duel or in war.


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