Chapter 12

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TW (rape)

Never underestimate how messed up life can get. Take mine for example...

"So you're telling me that I have been at this school for barely a week and I've already been recruited to join a gang with my roommates?!"

I looked towards Sarah that hasn't spoken since the matter was brought up, "I'm down."

All heads snapped towards her as she shrugged her shoulders, "What? I've always wanted to be a bad bitch."

Aria groaned as I looked at her warningly, "Screw it if Sarah goes so do I."

They have to be joking me. They willingly want to join a gang?

"Great. A gang it is."


"Stupid boy think that I need him,

I go cold like changin' seasons,

I go red hot like a demon,

I go ghost for no damn reason,

Stupid boy think that I need him."

It's Saturday. Aria, Sarah and I are getting ready for the boys to come and get us to leave this prison. All of us belting out one of Aria's power songs as she calls them. We were all dressed and currently fixing the birds nests resting on our heads.

"I know you think about me in the shower,

PornHub in your browser, fantasize about the pussy power,

think about me with your hand down your trousers,

I'm sweet then I'm sour, I'm big boss bowser,

I know you're salivating over me sir, nipples through the t-shirt

Told you're mommy tha-."

"Now that's a sight I would love to see."

The three of us spun around screaming only to see the three idiots standing in front of us. "Don't you know how to knock?! You scared the crap out of us!" I directed me question towards Sebastian as Samuel and Jacob seemed too shell shocked to function at this point.

"Samantha, we knocked three times. Maybe if you turned you're music down you would have heard us."

I looked around me to see Aria standing on my bedside locker and Sarah at the bottom of the bed. she must have fell off when the boys came in.

"Don't call me that. When are we going?"

"Well considering we came down to get the three of you I would say now, Sammy."

I mean we were ready to go so I guess I couldn't really complain, any longer in this room then security would've been up. Sebastians eyes never left mine, "Okay, then what are we waiting for?" asking it rhetorically, Jacob actually answered, "We're waiting on Hunter to get Aria."

At the mention of Hunters name I shrunk into myself, nervous as to what he might do today. I wasn't as confident after last nights antics as I began over-thinking anything that might happen. Sebastian sensed this as he edged closer to me, "Don't worry you're not to leave my side all day."

I looked up to him and nodded. I didn't plan on it.


Okay maybe that was a lie. The boys had taken us into the town for a tour as they called it, as soon as they turned their backs the girls and I flew to the closest shop there was. I had been dying to dye my hair recently so that's what I was gonna do. I just couldn't decide which colour.

"Sarah what colour should I dye it." I showed her the three options: blue, green and red. "I thought when you said you wanted to dye your hair you meant a normal colour."

"They are normal colours!"

She rolled her eyes while choosing the red dye. "Good choice."

We had been without the boys for about an hour now and I had bags upon bags of clothes sitting on my arms. we knew that it wouldn't be long until the boys found us so we were making the most of it. A part of me hoped they would hurry up any longer and my arms were going to fall off.

"Do you guys want to go get coffee?" Aria came around the corner followed by another boy who looked like he would be around our age. His eyes settled on my as his mouth was brought up into a smirk. I began to feel uneasy at the thought of history repeating itself, and longed for Sebastian to come and take us back.

Sarah looked at the man expectantly, "Who are you?"

"This is Bryce, I met him couple of minutes ago. We literally walked straight into each other."

Great. The anxious feeling in my stomach just grew, with the new found information that Aria didn't even know this man. "I think we should start thinking about trying to find the boys it's been a while and they're probably getting worried."

Bryce was the next one to talk, "I'm sure if they haven't found you yet they wont find you for another while. One coffee wouldn't hurt would it?" Sarah and Aria looked at me as they both nodded. I could only follow behind them as Bryce dropped by to walk next to me.

"You're so hot. You free later this evening?" I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I let out an awkward laugh.

"haha em no sorry."

"O come on a little fun never hurt anyone." It did though. I knew that this event was going to trigger them memories again and I said goodbye to my decent sleep schedule for the next week.

"I actually have a boyfriend. Sorry." Where the sugar-cookies is Sebastian?

He grabbed my wrist and forced me to look at him. Aria and Sarah continued walking, oblivious as to what was happening behind them. "He doesn't have to know."

"I really don't want to have anything to do with you. My boyfriend wouldn't appreciate you talking to me like this either."

"Nonsense." he started dragging me towards what looked like the back of an abandoned motel of some sort. My hands became sweaty, as my legs started shaking and my mouth sealed shut. No this can't happen again! No! Why can't I say anything?!

"There, there baby don't cry." He used his dry, dirty hands to wipe the tears that started to fall from my glossy eyes.

"No, please don't. Don't touch me." I screamed. He took his two hands placing them on either side of my head as I started thrashing around. This can't happen again, no I won't let it.

"Help! Someone hel-" He brought my head forward then straight back again smashing it against the cold, dirty wall behind me. My vision was clouded with black dots as I blinked furiously to regain my vision. Bryce moved my hair away from my neck giving him full access as he began trailing down my neck kissing and sucking every spot. I began getting dizzier as he reached for my belt undoing it with one hand while the other continued pulling my hair. "Stop..." it came out as a whisper as his hand reached the front of my lace thong. What did I do to deserve this?

I looked around me to see if there was anything I could defend myself with but seen nothing only the bags of shopping that once where on my arms. His hand rubbed against my crotch as more tears streamed down my face, please let me pass out. Please. I moaned in discomfort while begging him to stop. All I could say was no. No. No. No.

"Hmm, you like that?" He said as he slipped a finger inside of me while pushing me back further forcing my head to hit that wall again. "She doesn't look like she's enjoying it does she. But I sure as well will enjoy smashing my fist into your face." He was ripped off of me as I fell to the ground darkness consuming me.

My saviour.


*not edited*

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