::Ushijima x Male!reader::

Start from the beginning

"Y-yes I do. Why wouldn't i?" He said as he glanced at me quickly from his phone. I smirked as I leaned forward and tried to peak at his screen. "What you looking at?" He quickly shut it off and threw it to the side. Much to my demise, I saw the screen.

The nude pictures of a certain female on the screen. To save myself from pain I played along that I didn't see anything. "Oh? What are you hiding?~" I said making him grip my waist and pulled me up much closer to him.

"I love you, (y/n). Don't ever doubt that" he said while looking at the side. I felt like crying. I wanted to scream at him that I knew that was a lie. But I didn't. I played along just to avoid the heartbreak.

"hmm..okay! If you say so!" I said as I kissed his nose softly and laid back down on his side and pulled the blanket to quickly cover my tears.


I jumped down from the window and grabbed my bag. Then, I ran. I ran away from the house he was in and ran with no care in the world. Tears covered my view but I don't care.

I started to scream and sob in pain as nearby bystanders looked at me as if I was a crazy person. I pushed through crowds ignoring the harsh foul comments thrown at me.

Nothing was in my mind as I ignored the signs telling me I was going in the wrong way. I ignored the shouts from people telling me that where I was going was dangerous. My legs became heavy and I started to drag.

-few moments ago-

"Ushijima! Happy one year-" I said as I entered the house with a suit and flowers in my hands. A blush was plastered on my cheeks but it quickly went away with the sight in front of me.

I dropped my hand making the bouquet of flowers drop onto the floor with a thud. My eyes dropped and a long sigh escaped from my lips.

Ushijima was kissing a girl on the couch. On our couch to be exact. I don't think he heard me because they were still kissing until I walked around and went up to our shared room and slammed the door tightly.

I dropped down to my knees and grabbed onto my hair pulling some loose hair out. I started to hyperventilate, my breathing was picking up. "No, no you were seeing things. He was probably telling her something on her ear" I tried to convince myself but the scene still replayed in my fresh mind.

I sobbed softly as I looked around in the room for something to help me. I took off my dress shoes and jumped at the sudden contact of the cold floor against my socks. I wiped my tears as I searched for a bag. "This will do" I said as I began to look around and shoved clothes inside it.


"YOUNG MAN WATCH OUT!" An elderly woman shouted as I walked onto the street not knowing my whereabouts. I turned to look to the side and saw the bright headlights of a vehicle approach me.

I couldn't hear the shouts, nor the horns. A small smile came onto my pale face as the impact knocked me off of my feet and threw me against the street a couple of feet away.

I sucked in air harshly as the hit made me loose my breath very quickly. "CALL AN AMBULANCE! HURRY!" People scrambled to come to my aid trying to see how bad I got hit.

I could finally hear things. I could hear the shouts. I could hear the yelling over the phones. I felt the warm hands touch my cold figure as they searched for a pulse. I could feel my heart beat slow down as time went by.

"STAY WITH ME! HEY!" Someone said as they moved my jaw towards them and snapped their fingers. My eyes didn't react neither did I flinch. I softly raised my hand and the person quickly grasped it and tried to make me grip back which I did.

"Tell....Ushijima that....this is all...my fault..and that I...love.." I muttered until my lips parted as my last breath escaped them. My grip on their hand dropped and my eyes stuck onto the nothingness.

Screams were vividly heard as the ambulance rushed and the paramedics quickly shoved the people back and went into work. They tried to find any sort of pulse still there but there wasn't.

The desperate and defeated sighs left their own warm lips as they went and grabbed a body bag and pulled the cover over the young mans figure.

"(Y/N)! (Y/n)! Have you guys seen a tall male around here?" A sudden male shouted to nearby strangers. He looked at the big crowd that was around an ambulance.

He turned to a stranger and explained (y/n)'s features as quick as possible growing a bit anxious at the bearing lights of the medical vehicle. The stranger covered their mouth as they pointed to the crowd from before. "He said he loved someone called Ushijima.."

Ushijima couldn't believe what he was being told as he tilted his head to the side. "Pardon?" He asked in a quiet voice. The stranger began to apologize for his loss as Ushijima walked over.

"Are you a loved one or relative?" One of the paramedics asked making Ushijima nod slowly. "Can you identify this man?" He asked as he brought him over to the body bag. Ushijima still stood confused until they lifted the bag from (y/n)'s face.

The scene of (y/n) laying there with a suit made Ushijima suddenly collapsed to his knees in front of his lifeless lover. It felt like his whole world just started to crumble beneath him. He dropped his head onto the concrete and smashed into it repeatedly. Seeing him in his suit made him remember that it was their one year anniversary.

"I-IM SO SORRY (Y/N)! IM SORRY! IF I DIDNT KISS HER YOU WOULDNT BE DEAD! AHHH FUCK!" Ushijima shouted to the floor as he apologized over and over as snot and tears ran down continuously with no stop. He slammed his fists desperately onto the floor hoping for something. Anything.

Those empty apologies fell onto the empty space as the paramedics tried to comfort the man who was screaming incoherent words. The night was ending as they hauled the body onto the ambulance and took him away as Ushijima was told to contact any loved ones that could keep an eye on him.

Ushijima experienced the ultimate walk of shame as he took slow steps in the midnight sky with no thoughts on his mind. Empty eyed looking up at the full moon. He lost the man of his life. The man he devoted his whole life with. The only man who unconditionally loved him until the very end. The night came to an end.

I'm not good with angst so sorry if it's not good 😔

::Haikyuu x Male! Reader::Where stories live. Discover now