Mental Glow Up ✌🏽👅

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Another checklist. I think they're fun.

~ Don't be afraid to try new things.

- Love and accept every inch of yourself.

~ Get positively out of your comfort zone sometimes.

- Always be thankful and grateful for the good things in your life.

~ Do your best in everything you do so you know you put in 100% effort regardless of the result.

- Keep affirmations that you need to remember close by.

~ Stop thinking more likes equal beauty.

- Keep a journal.

~ Focus on yourself.

- Meditate.

~ Don't settle for less.

- Spend more time in nature.

~ Put your life and your needs before these boys. Always.

- Be open to positive changes.

~ Always get your sleep. (7+ hours)

- Don't bottle up your feelings.

~ Explore more of your city.

- Smile.

~ Surround yourself with good people who think good things and have a good vibe.

- Have short term and long term goals.

~ Do what you love often.

- Say no when you want to. Don't be no pushover.

~ Get to know yourself. / Find yourself.

- Read.

~ Always be yourself.

- Chat with new people and learn from their stories.

~ Stop being afraid to say what you think. (Unless its not nice.)

I'd really appreciate it if you guys vote/like any chapter that was useful to you and if you guys comment things you'd like to see in the future. It would really help me out.

Girl's Self Care GuideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora