Transitioning Tips 😣💇🏽‍♀️

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💙 Be patient. This stuff takes time. If you're transitioning, your natural hair has to grow out while your dead hair is still holding on. It will take time for it to all be natural.

💙 Hair type don't matter. This was a mistake I made when I was transitioning. I wanted 3a hair and was watching 3a YouTubers and using their products they recommend and doing the same thing they do because I wanted their hair. This slowed my transition trying to force my hair to grow one way. All that matters is your hair health. Forget your hair type for now.

💙 Tuck your damaged ends. If you want to wear your hair out, find styles that'll tuck those damaged parts in without damaging your natural hair. You can use perm or flexi rods to help blend your hair together. I did that. It works perfectly on twistouts I did with my damaged hair. Made me believe my hair wasn't damaged 😂

💙 Try products one at a time. Don't get a whole set of new products and try it all at once. Do one product at a time and give it at least a week to work. This way you'll learn what does and doesn't work for your hair and slowly build onto the hair routine perfect for you.

💙 Detangle carefully. Your hair state is fragile. Particularly that line where your natural hair meet your damaged hair. Be careful when detangling. You don't need to be ripping your hair out.

💙 Avoid tight styles. This is like reversing all your hard work. Your hair ain't gonna grow nor heal with tight styles.

💙 Trim your hair regularly. You should always trim your hair anyways. It keeps it healthy. Don't over trim. Only trim when you have split ends and you feel that your hair needs a trim. Don't trim it according to someone else's schedule or say so. Everyone has different hair needs. Same hair type or porosity does not mean you follow what they do. Don't be so pressured to big chop if you don't want to.

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