Sexy Smooth Legs 🥂

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-Start by running a warm bubble bath and put a bath bomb in it.

-Grab a sugar scrub. Either make your own or buy one.

DIY Sugar Scrub:
•1/2 cup sugar (brown or white)
•1/2 cup oil (coconut oil or olive oil)
•A few drops of vanilla extract or peppermint oil *Optional

-Apply the scrub to your legs (can be used on your body to)

-Rinse off your legs then grab some shaving cream, conditioner, or coconut oil and get to shaving.

-When done, PAT your legs dry. Do not rub!

-Grab some thick lotion or baby oil and rub it all over your shaved parts. Done!

I have yet to try a sugar scrub but I have my own scrub I bought from Walmart. Its a Onyx Bathhouse rainbow scrub. It works super good. I sometimes forget to do the scrub first and I end up shaving first then doing the scrub but it works the same.

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