Add-ins for Detox Waters 🍏💦

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Detox waters are a way to cleanse your body and can help you lose weight, aid in clearing acne, and more. These are a list of things to add to your water to add extra benefits.

✋🏽 Let all of these, except the powders, sit in the fridge overnight before consumption to get full effects from them.

Lemons - Add in a few slices or wedges of lemons to your water bottle. This fruit is a good source of vitamin C. It can also promote weight loss. It aids in your skin quality such as reducing wrinkles, dry skin, and sun damage. It aids in digestion, can freshen breath, and aids in the prevention of kidney stones. Careful though because it may erode enamel on teeth and cause heartburn for some but relief for heartburn for others.

Fresh Mint Leaves - Sprinkle in a few of these leaves in your water. It aids in digestion and constipation.

Cinnamon - Stir in a minimum of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. It depends on how much you can handle or what you want. Don't do to much though. For this one you can drink immediately after stirring in if you want. If you are using the sticks then drop one stick in depending on how much water you have. Let it sit for a while. This mixture can help with nausea and digestion.

Ginger - Cut a ginger root and let it sit in the water. Ginger helps break down excess gas in the intestines. It aids in stomach bloating and intestinal cramps.

Cucumbers - Cut thick slices of cucumbers and sit them in your water. Cucumbers are a good source of vitamin B.

Apple Cider Vinegar - Stir in a minimum of a 1/8 teaspoon of this into your water. It has a really bitter taste so you can build your tolerance up to 3 tablespoons. Make sure its diluted with enough water. 1 tablespoon of ACV is diluted by a cup of water. It can damage your throat drinking this undiluted. Don't do that. This mixture promotes digestion and eases bloating. I bloat easy and I do only 1/8 teaspoon, for now, in 2 cups of water a day and it helps with my bloating.

Lime - Cut a few slices or wedge and let sit in water. It has vitamins A, B, C, and D. It has potassium, calcium, and magnesium as well. It can promote skin health, digestive health, fight infections, and can help lower blood sugar.

Kiwi - Cut a few slices and let sit in water. It is full of viatmin C and vitamin K. It has lots of fiber. It is a good source of energy.

Orange - Some do the actual orange peel in the water and some do the slices, so you choose which you want to try. It is rich in vitamin C. It can help you ward off illnesses.

Grapefruit - Add a few slices in your drink. It has nutrients like fiber, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C, and choline. It is great for the heart, digestive system, and skin.

Honestly, you can add a lot of different things in your water. You can add strawberries, blueberries, honey, etc. There are even recipes out there for it.

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