The Red Reaper - 34

Start from the beginning

Raul rolled his hand, and the fire dispersed into smoke. Blackened bones jutted out the front of the elf's charred feet - the remains of his toes.

"I will ask again." Raul breathed the acrid smoke of burnt flesh like fresh mountains' air. "Where lays the Eastern Tribe?"

"In the Damuzari Woods." The elf rasped in between heavy pants, his hatred surpassing the pain in his voice. Raul frowned at him disappointedly.

"You will surrender to the fire and answer, that's for certain. The only question is how much of your flesh will be ash by then."

"Perhaps you're not as good of a torturer as you believe you are." The elf's lips distorted in a grin. "After all, two from the cells next to mine had been taken before me."

"I've had enough of you imprisoned to afford losing my patience here and there." Raul wiped the grin off the elf's face.

"And while I've had my doubts with the others, I am certain that you are aware of the Eastern Tribe's location."

"What makes you so sure of it?"

"It has come to my attention that you're the late chieftain's younger brother."

Raul wiggled his fingers and a flame came to life between them, twirling from knuckle to knuckle. The elf tensed at the mere sight of it.

"Oh, don't worry, it's not for you." Raul said, the flickering light of the flames dancing over the wicked claw marks that scarred half of his wrinkled face.

"Bring her in." He called, and two guards entered the cell, pushing forward an elven woman in chains.

"Laira!" The elf cried upon seeing his daughter. Her viridescent hair matched the gentle glow of her eyes, gracing her porcelain features with mellow shades of green. A sash of cloth muffled her yelling towards her father. The elf rattled his chains violently. "Don't you dare lay a finger on her!"

Raul ignored him and turned to her. She tried to step back and the guards tightened their hold of her arms.

"You have a beautiful daughter." Raul raised his hand before her face and the flames rolled to the tips of his fingers, radiating heat across her skin. "Would you like to keep her that way?"


They walked around Deadmen's Bay, as crossing the lawless city with a sack of three hundred gold pieces seemed like a shout for trouble. Alora moved the coin plumped leather sack from one hand to the other as its heavy weight strained her muscle. Beside her, Kaido slumped against the wall to his left again.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, stepping closer.

"Yeah," He rested his head back against the pale bricks and shut his eyes. "Just give me a moment."

She managed to get him somewhat presentable despite his refusal to delay for a wash in the river or purchase of clean clothes. A wet towel wiped most smudges of blood from his face and hair, and the cloak concealed his ripped and bloodstained clothes.

Oddly, none of his wounds bled. At the glimpse she got of them when he stripped his armor, they seemed to have crusted as if they were days old, rather than hours. What happened to Kaido in the arena was a mystery that wouldn't quit running her mind.

Whatever it was, it must be why he's exhausted - power like that can't come without a price. She thought to herself, but still yearned for solid answers.

"Alright," He opened his eyes. "Let's go."

He swayed off the wall when Alora's hand fell on his chest, stopping him.

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