8: They left?!

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Nobody's POV:
It has been about two weeks since the girls left and only Mira, the Thunder legion, Cana and the exceeds know doe to the letters Master gave the but one day...

Cana's POV:
I was drinking my booze when Gramps walked up to the stage, everyone went quiet wondering what's he's about to say. I already knew what he was going to say and by the look of the other they knew too.

"It has been two weeks since five members have left and you didn't even noticed." Gramps said with an angry voice "What do you mean Gramps?" Natsu stupidly asked "Erza, Juvia, Wendy, Lucy and Levy left the guild!" He yelled and with that Lily and Happy started crying "Why are you crying Lily/Happy they aren't important anyway?." He asked "Shut up Natsu, they are beautiful and strong. Lucy could beat Lisanna in a matter of seconds!" Happy yelled back at him.

Everyone was shocked at what Happy had just said, Natsu just stood there like an idiot "And they have also wrote letters for some people." Gramps said l. He handed out the Letter and they started reading...

From: Juvia
Too: Gray

Dear Gray,

I hope you regret everything you said and if you don't then I'll make you. My friends and I are leaving to go train and we will be back for our revenge, so you better watch out!


"Tsk as if she could do anything to me."
Gray said as he threw away the letter.

Too: Natsu

Dear Natsu,
I hope you fail every mission you go on
and get chaised by the magic council. I don't know what happened to you but I will get my revenge!


"She could never beat me." Natsu said and then he burnt the letter

Too:Gray and Natsu

Dear Gray and Natsu,
I have, am and will be always stronger then you. I don't what to be known as Titania or Queen of the fairy's I hate both name's. From now on I'm just Erza Scarlet and I WILL get my revenge.


"As if she could." They both said as Natsu burnt the letter again


Dear Gajeel,
I've left to train and get stronger because I will get my revenge on all of you, especially you. And every time you eber call me shrimp again I'll punch you in the guts.


"Pff I would like to see you try." He said after throwing the letter out the window

From: Wendy

Dear Romeo,
I can't believe that I ever liked you, your mean too me and Carla. When I come back I'll have my revenge on Fairytail.


"Yeah sure." He said laughing while burning the letter

From: Your ex-member's
Too: Lisanna

Dear Lisanna,
I hope you know that this is all your fault so...

F*CK YOU!!!!!!

Your ex-member's

"Go fuck yourself." She said throwing the letter at Natsu who then burnt it

"It's better without them anyway." Natsu said "Shut up Natsu." Laxus said so he would shut up "Oh and Gray, Natsu, Romeo and Lisanna?" Gramps said "Yeah?" They all replied
"You aren't allowed to be on the S-class trial for the next three years." Gramps continued "What why!" They all screamed Laxus and I were just laughing our butts of " Because you don't deserve it. End of discussion." Gramps answered and he walked of

"That's what you get." I said still laughing. Karma really is a b*tch

Bye Fluffy's!

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