25: 6th day of the GMG

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Star's POV at the arena:
We were waiting for the games to start when Levy said "Hey guys, I have some great news." "Yeah, what is it?" Lucy asked back "Well Blossom told me, that if I train more, I can become a nature dragonslayer." She explained.

Our eyes widened. "Really?! That's great." Sting exclaimed "Can we also do some more tricks." Erza asked turning to Rico "No, only the Flower and wood dragonslayer can do that." She answered.

"To bad." She replied, but we had to end the conversation, when the games started...

"Hello Everyone and welcome to the 6the day of the GMG. Today will also be 1 on 1 fights and an extra challenge, which I'll tell you guys later on!" Maoto greeted. This is going to be fun.

"Today's members fighting will be Bixlow against Nobarly (I don't know his magic btw), Eve Tearm  against Kagura Mikazuchi and lastly Toby Horhorta  against  Star Verlious and lastly. Since we have nine teams this year, Fairytail  will have two members come up in the next challenge." He announced

"It's finally my turn." I yelled excited "Yeah, but when is it my turn?" Lucy asked "Don't worry Lucy, you'll Aldo get your revenge." Stella replied, in which Lucy just smiled.

(I'm just gonna tell you who won, except for Stars fight.)

1st fight, Bixlow won.
2nd fight, Kagura won.

"And onto the last fight of the day!" Maoto announced, jumping around "Yes, my turn!" I exclaimed before, jumping down the balcony.

The fight begins...

"Color dragon: blue ocean!" I chanted, a huge wave of paint came out of nowhere and hit Toby. He was all blue after.

"Wow, such an amazing power!" Chapati pointed out, which made me smile.

"I'mnotdoneyetI'mgonnabeatyouIpromise!" Toby blurred out, which I could barely understand.

Then his nails got really long and sharp, he landed a few good hits on me, but I wasn't done yet. "Color dragon: ROAR!" I yelled out hitting him right in the face, causing him to fall on the ground.

Now he was really bruised up, so I wanted to make it quick. "Color dragon secret art: Color switch!" I yelled out.

All the color from the whole city  got sucked up into one spot of the sky. Everything was black and white. "That's gotta be one of the strongest spells I've ever seen!" Chapati said.

I threw my arms forward and all the color came at him. He howled as the spell hit him and he fell unconscious.
"And the winner is Star Verlious!" Chapati announced ending the fight. Yes, I won!

Back at the balcony...

"That was so cool!" I heard Lucy say, when I walked in "Thanks." I replied scratching the back of my head "Your color magic is really powerful." Levy commented "Thank you." I replied.

"Okay the last challenge of the day will be..." "A Lacrama you have to attack with your magic and it will show you how much damage it did." Maoto explained.
"Hey Sting, why don't you go?" Levy asked, turning to him "Why not?" He replied and he went to the arena "Then I'll go too." Toro added and he went down.

In the arena...

"Here we have, Gray Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel from Fairytail team A, Mirajane Strauss from Fairytail team B, Sting Eucliffe from Sabertooth team A, Toro Usuro from Sabertooth team B, Beth Underwood from Mermaid heel, Bacchus Groh from Quatro Cerberus, Ren Akatsuki from Blue Pegasus and Lastly Jura Neekis from Lamia scale." Maoto announced, Jumping around.

"Please pick a number from the box,  in front of you." He said. They all picked a peace of paper up.

"May the first person come up and attack." He continued and Kagura came up.

"Exploding Carrots!" She yelled, as she attacked the Lacrama.

"40936 points! May the next one come up!"

Natsu came up and attacked "Fire dragon: Iron fist!" Man, I hate his voice.

"50936 points! The Next one please!"

Ten came up and used his air magic to attack (I don't really know how it works) .

"46351 points! Next!"

" Midnight Shriek!" Mirajane yelled out, as she attacked.

"61613 points! And the Next one!"

Sting came up "White dragon: ROAR!" He chanted.

"53190 points! Next!"

"Ice make: Hammer!" Gray yelled, the hammer appeared and her hammered the Lacrama as hard as he could.

"514365 points! Next!"

Toro came up "Moon dragon: Moon darkness." he said. The Lacrma slowly turned black and after a couple of seconds it changed back to normal.

"57931 points! Next!"

Bacchus drank whatever that was amd attcked the Lacrama.

"49767 points! And the last person!"

Jura attacked the Lacrama and a few cracks appeared.

"69857 points! And that was it for today!" He ended the GMG.


I was walking outside, because I didn't feel like going back to the inn yet, when I came across Eve.

"Hey, aren't you Eve from Blue Pegasus?" I asked he turned around and looked at me. That's when I noticed, that he isn't that tall and I'm still way smaller than him.

"Ah the beauty from today." He replied, as he kissed the back of my hand. I didn't think it was weird, I thought it was kinda cute.

"T-thanks." I was blushing! "How about we go to a caffé?" He suggested, in which I nodded and left.

After they went to the caffé (I'm lazy)...

We were infront of my inn "We should really do this again." He said and gave me a rose "Yeah, we should."  I replied. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. A KISS! I went inside with the rose in my hands.

"Hey Star, you're ba- WHERE DID YOU GET THE ROSE FROM!?" Lucy was really excited. A little to excited

"I got it from Eve." I answered calmly "Wow!" Levy was also very excited "That's great!" Wendy added.

The day went by, with them asking me about my 'date' with Eve, until it was time for bed.

Now Star also has a lover. Bye Fluffy's!!!

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