16: The GMG

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Blossom's POV:
It was finally time, the GMG are coming up!" We were at the Guild waiting for Rouge and Sting to finally come. I got up extra early to get ready.

They finally arrived and we made our way too the train station

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They finally arrived and we made our way too the train station. The ride was torture for us dragonslayers "When is this torture over?" Wendy asked with her face all green  "Soon just be patented." Yukino assured her. At that moment the train stopped and our exceeds had to fly us out because we couldn't even walk.

"Ok, we need to find our Inn before it gets dark." Yukino said "Do you think the same
think as last year will happen?" Rouge asked her "I think so." She replied "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Lector said flying away.

At the Inn:
We were packing our stuff when Maoto said "Hello and welcome too the GMG, this year there are 20 Guilds but only 9 will make it in."I'm so excited!" I yelled "When aren't you?" Rico asked in which I just rolled my eyes "Today's round will be a quiz around town. The quiz begins in on of your room's, there you'll find a letter with a riddle on it. That's all I'm gonna say." He continued

"Then start searching child." Carla ordered Wendy "Right on it." She replied. We searched in our rooms for a while when Toro yelled from the halls "We found it guys!" We all came running "What does it say?" Er za asked (BTW they are all in one Inn) "It says...

It's a place where you find the old in the new. A place of many country's past. You can look but never touch. Something magical might happen. (I'm  not good at this.)

"It's obviously the museum." Levy said in which we all nodded. We made our way to the museum, we went inside and headed our way too the magic section.

After a few minutes of searching Yukino said "I found something." We rushed up too her. "What is it." Lucy asked "It's a little mermaid and it says Aqua." She answered "They probably mean the fountain near the mall with the mermaid on it." Juvia suggested "Then we should go." Sophia said. So we made our way too the fountain.

At the fountain:
"OK guys let's start looking." Sorio said "No wait I think there's something in the fountain." Juvia said, but before we could say anything she stepped in the fountain and turned into water. After a few minutes of waiting she finally came out. "I found something." She said. It was...

Cliffhanger, I hope you liked this chapter like I did. Bye Fluffy's!!!!!

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