24: 5th day of the GMG

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Blossom's POV:
I woke up too the sun shining in my face. "Uggh." I groaned slowly waking up. I looked around the room and saw that Levy was already up "Come on Blossom, the others are already eating breakfast." Luna rushed me, trying to push me out of my bed. "I'm coming, no need to rush me." I calmly replied. I got up, did my morning routine,put my clothes on (in the media) and went downstairs.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted "As peaceful as ever I see." Rico replied, I just smiled and sat down at that table and began eating.

I was eating when Joy said "I wonder what game will be today." I wonder too. "I think there will be 1 to 1 combat fight." Levy replied shoving her face back in the book she was reading, "Well we should better find out." Wendy interrupted, and we made our way to the arena...

At the arena:
"Good morning and welcome too the 5th day of the GMG!" Maoto greeted walking on one of the walls carelessly. Everyone started clapping, but thank goodness not as much as yesterday. "Today will be 1 to 1 combat fights." He continued and the crowed started cheering again.

"Today's members who will be fighting are... Sherria Blendy against Risley Law, Ichiya Vandalary Kotobuki against Blossom Rotoa and at last Elfmen Strauss against Rocker." Maoto announced (there has been a slight problem. I can't find the magic of the Quarto puppy's except for three, so I'll only be saying "they attacked" or something like that.)

"It was time that you also fight." Levy said "Yes it is." I replied "Let the games begin!" Maoto yelled out.

In the arena..
Both were standing there getting ready to fight.




"Sky god: Drill!" Cheliah yelled out, it hit Risley right in the face, wich made her fall on her back.

She stood back up and got ready for her attack. "Don't underestimate chubby ness!" she said back.

All of the sudden, she got really skinny and charged for an attack(btw Idk Cheliah's spells so I'm just using Wendy's.) She kicked her right on her stomach making her hit the wall "Risley got a good hit on her!" Chapati (The announcer I googled it.) pointed out

Cheliah got back up. "Sky god: Wing attack!" It hit Risley not to hard, only making her stumble back a bit.

She went and try to punch her in the stomach, but Cheliah caught her hand and kicked her in the stomach.

This went down for a couple of minutes, until the fight was over. "It's a tie." Maoto announced finishing the fight "Wow, Cheliah is way stronger now." Wendy said amazed. Well, I'm next...

In the arena...

"Are you ready? Set. Go!"

"It's such a shame, that I have to fight a young and beautiful lady like you." He said, I swear I could feel Erza shiver. But the fight is more important right now.

"Okay then... Galaxy dragon: Black hole!" I yelled out, I wanted to make this, as quick as possible. A black hole appeared and it sucked him up and the hole vanished. A few seconds after the hole appeared again and he came out all bruised up.

"Wil Ichiya, be able to finish the fight?" Chapati asked. Mind I tell you, that he hasn't transformed yet.

Then he took out two bottles (or whatever you call it) and shoved it into his nose "Maaaaan!" He said. He transformed into a really strong and tall guy.

He charged right for me, he hit me in the face causing me to fall on the ground "Maybe he'll actually win this!" Chapati yelled, but I wasn't done yet.

"Galaxy dragon: ROAR!" I yelled out. It his ilhim right in the stomach, but I wasn't done yet "Galaxy dragon: Meteors!" "Galaxy dragon secret art: shooting stars!" And with that, he was down.

"And the winner is, Blossom Rotoa!"

Back at the inn...
I was looking through the archive in my lacrama, when Levy asked me "How does your black hole work?" I thought for a second "I'm not sure. Well when normal black holes suck you up, you die immediately. Mine doesn't do that, you get sucked up and somehow you get all bruised up. That's all I know." I answered.

"Wow, that's so cool!" She replied "I wished, my magic would be as cool as yours." she added frowning "That's not true." I tried to cheer her up.

"It's not really strong." She was still frowning "Actually yours is one if the rarest." I said "What do you mean?" She asked, now curious "Well right now you only have flower and Wood dragonslayer magic. If you develop enoigh, you'll have Nature magic. Wich means you can not only use flowers, but also control other stuff with it." I explained

Her eyes widened at what I just said "I'm gonna train right now." She said and ran out of the door. I guess I'll just take a walk?

I was walking through a park near the inn, when I spotted a boy laying on the floor

I was about to walk pass him, when I tripped over something and landed right on him

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I was about to walk pass him, when I tripped over something and landed right on him. I'M SO EMBARRASSED!

I quickly got up from him "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall on you."  I apologized multiple times "It's ok really." He assured me "My name is Blossom Rotoa." I greeted "I'm Sean Arlin." He greeted back.

"Hey, I saw you in the GMG today." He noticed "Yeah, that's me." I replied.

I found out, that he's only one year older than me and he uses glue magic. We said our goodbyes and went home...

She's found a lover. Ok Bye Fluffy's!!!!

Revenge on Fairytail (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें