28: Valentine's day

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Levy's POV:
It was morning and I rolled out of bed. I didn't need anyone to wake me up today, because it's Valentine's day a I have to say, I hope Sting asks me that special question every girl wants to hear.

"Good morning." I greeted as I walked down the stairs of the inn. I was greeted back and I sat down at the table, with my breakfast ready.

"Today is Valentine's day!" Star cheered "Do you have someone, you would like to be your Valentine?" Erza asked "I do." We all replied except Minerva. "Really who?" She asked.

"I already have Rouge." Yukon started. We were all shocked, but didn't say anything.

"My boyfriend is Hibiki so..." Lucy continued "Wait really?!" I asked "Yep." "Since when?" "Since the day, we went to the beach."

Turned out Wendy, Juvia, Star and Lucy had a Valentine/ Boyfriend all along.

"What about you." Erza asked turning to Rico, Blossom and I "I do have someone I like, but I'm not telling."
We replied, in unison. "Oh well." Erza gave up trying.

The day went by really well. I had fun and I was also sad that I didn't have a Valentine until Sting came up to me "Hi, can talk to you for a second?" He asked me. I nodded and we went outside.

"So what did you want to ask me?" I stared in his sky blue eyes, with a small blush placed on my face.

"...I wanted to ask, if you wanted to be my Valentine." He asked expecting the worst from me.

"Of course!" I spoke in excitement. He looked up at me and gave me the biggest hug ever. Finally!

Nobody's POV:
The two went back too their inn and got ready for the Valentines Festival. "OK, we're all ready." Rico said as she looked everyone up and down. And they left for the festival.

They were walking around in the festival, when Eve and Hibiki came their way. "Hi guys." Hibiki greeted them. Star and Lucy gave them a big hug. And they left the others.

Levy went with Sting, Yukino went with Rouge, Juvia went with Sorio, Wendy went with Toro, Erza left with Jellal, Minerva went somewhere on her own leaving Blossom and Rico all by themselves.

Rico's POV:
Well now we were all alone (I'm just saying, I'm cringing so hard, so it won't be that good. If you want me to write the full story, just write in the comments.)

Blossom and I were walking around, when we saw two certain boys with black hair. They saw us and walked over too us.

"Hey." They greeted and walked over "Hi/ Hello." We spoke back...

Long story short, I'm struggling to write this, so I'm just gonna tell you what happened...

Blossom and Rico, got asked out by Sean and Jiru. They had a great time watching the Fireworks together and ended up dating.

Sting and Levy, number into some trouble. More like Gajeel. Both boys fought for their love and Sting ended up winning the fight. They had lots of fun and their first kiss.

Star, Lucy, Hibiki and Eve had more like a double date. They went around town looking at different sights of Crocus. And they also had their first kiss.

Wendy's and Toro's was a bit more awkward. They stayed quiet even tho, they already had their first kiss. Romeo on the other hand was spying on them. Since they were dragons layers, they smelled him and left quickly.

In the end, they all found each other, Sean and Jiru joined the guild and they all had fun together...

Yes, this is canon. Bye Fluffy's!!!!!

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