Chapter 9 - Surrendered Fears

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One Week Later

I lay in bed feeling replete from a night spent making love to my wife. That said, my staff now rose proudly in the morning sunlight spilling into the room.

While it was normal for me to wake up so I never fought overly hard against the urge to bury it in the moist and warm interior of my wife's sheath. She didn't overly care for it, but there was little else I liked better than to wake her up by solidly sliding my entire staff into her.

She'd gasp and writhe and even whine about the discomfort of my actions, but within moments she would be moaning and begging for more. That said, I resisted against the urge to do that this morning as she was just sleeping so peacefully beside me that I couldn't bring myself to disturb her.

I let my mind wander to other things as the sun's light strengthened outside. It was quite odd the way things worked out sometimes.

For the moment my interactions with the Portuguese were once again less hostile, if even partly agreeable. Reason for that being the quite unexpected reaction of the native peoples of the entire region, for when they had found out that the Portuguese had consorted with their hated enemies to bring about the deaths of some of their own people unprecedented action had been taken.

The involvement of the Portuguese with the headhunters had not gone over well at all. To a tribe the entire region of this river network had ceased trading with the Portuguese overnight as sort of an unofficial boycott.

It hadn't taken the Portuguese long to make amends in order to get their trade back. My supply boat was once more allowed passage up the river.

The hostages they had been purported to be entirely fictitious, but a truly ironic twist of fate four days ago three vessels of long-lost kin members had arrived and were even now being incorporated into our bustling little community. Ar'mora's safety had never been as secure as it was now.

The Portuguese were unlikely to make any moves anytime soon, as they now knew the stakes of doing so and our other menacing threat, the headhunters, had been virtually wiped out, which was another feather in the cap in terms of the natives of the surrounding land's positive opinion of us.

Things were going well. Very well.

On the heels of that very thought I felt my wife curl her fingers around the base of my shaft and caressingly coast them up and down it lovingly. My hips lifted off the bed to the pleasure her hand provided and I watched her smile.

Her thumb massaged the head of my cock teasingly. She was in a playful mood and so was I.

Playful mood or not there was something I wanted. Something I had yet to claim and yet ached to do so.

I'd long since forgotten my need for Anna to be a virgin and my displeasure with her for finding out that she wasn't, but that still did not detract from the fact that she had one place that I had never been yet. That no one had been there, only made it all the more desirable.

I'd ached from the very first moment that I'd seen her tight rear hole to claim it by placing my shaft to it and penetrating her bottom until my balls slapped against her sheath. The activity I wanted to engage in with her was looked down upon by some, but I found no moral objection to the concept of what I wished to do with my wife.

Her body was mine and I wanted to explore and possess all of it and very soon I intended to do just that. That said, however, her last virginity wasn't something to just be taken though.

No, I had to work for it and now was as good a time as any to start. I rose up to my knees on the bed and looked down upon her.

Smiling coyly she gazed at the pre-come drizzling from the tip of my shaft and said, "I know that look."

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