Chapter 6 - "More!"

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Three Weeks Later


Anna hummed a melody as she made her way through the housing of the natives. At first Mahlon had been reluctant to let her come here, but with her insistence he had relented. Now she was doing what she liked best, teaching.

She'd just come from a class of mostly 4 to 12-year-olds and as always she felt completed in some way at having managed to impart wisdom to others. It wasn't just a one-way exchange either. She was learning too.

These people had much to teach her and in a way they were her people now. Here in this restarting of an ancient kingdom everyone stood on equal footing.

Some of the newcomers to the colony had objected at first, but Mahlon would have none of it and no one went against him. Whether it was because of fear or respect or a combination of both she had yet to see anyone outright challenge her husband, which in her opinion was a wise choice on their part.

The only one that showed a willingness to differ in opinion with Mahlon was his brother Sean. That said, Sean went along for the most part in terms of everything his brother said, but he had an air about him that said he reserved the right to do otherwise if he so wished to.

Logic wasn't always Sean's strong point and yet he didn't act out in ignorance, although to some it might appear as such. Indeed, Sean was a hard one to read, like Mahlon he was dangerous, perhaps even more so.

Mahlon had some social skills, but Sean did not or at least he chose not to use them. In fact, he barely ever talked.

She could count on one hand the number of times he'd said anything to her since she had arrived. That was a far cry in comparison to their little brother Tyree. Tyree was a charmer and he made her laugh all the time.

A lot of her time not spent teaching the children of the natives and newcomers was spent in tutoring him. He was very bright, but his older brothers had decidedly neglected any education aspects for their young brother with their intent of rebuilding an empire pressing heavily upon the consumption of their time over the last 10 years.

It was understandable and yet it was good now that the oversight on their part was being corrected. A brilliant mind was a shameful thing to waste and Tyree was brilliant.

She felt completely at ease with him in a way that she didn't around Sean and already Tyree had begun to confide in her, as if she was a second mother and in a way she had accepted that role as the young man was geared more emotionally than his big brothers and had lacked any one of confidence to be able to speak into his life and meets his needs of emotional interchange.

Glancing up, she saw him walking her way. A native girl walked past him and with a shake of her head Anna watched him turn to gaze after the girl.

The girl fully knew that she'd captured his gaze too. In fact the girl's intersecting course seemed a little too planned out and the degree of hip movement causing her round butt to sway back and forth enticingly was anything but normal.

Coming to a stop beside the entranced young man Anna cleared her throat and said, "In the Bible it says that to even look upon a woman who is not your wife and imagine yourself having sex with her is to sin. Tell me Tyree do you have plans of marrying that girl?"

Tyree had jumped slightly at her voice, but as usual, he recovered quickly and with a cheeky grin at her he said, "Maybe. Don't know yet."

Anna rolled her eyes and then with a critical look after the girl she said, "I'm not your guardian angel, Tyree, but if I could offer a word of wisdom it would be to not follow your eyes so much all the time and pay a little more attention to the details that lust has a way of glossing over."

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