Chapter 5 - Out of Breath

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Lazily Anna blinked and lifted her head up off the pillow. Bright morning sunlight gleamed all around her.

It came in through the many windows of the room along with the scented perfumes of a thousand entwining flowers. Truly, this place was a paradise!

She looked behind her quickly, but the bed was empty. Where had he gone?

In surprise, she reflected on the fact of how bereft she felt at not knowing where her man was. In reality he was to her still mostly a stranger, but well, not really. Not after yesterday. She felt herself blush again.

A breeze flickered through the room and she heard the ruffle of a paper nearby. Leaning forward, she grabbed it up and read it, as a part of her relished seeing her man's handwriting for the first time. It was quite good.

"Good morning Anna. I...... last night was better than I ever expected my first time with a woman could be. I am beyond pleased to call you my wife and I look forward to the years ahead of us with earnest desire. I had to attend to something in regards to my brother, Torin, in terms of his delay in coming, but I hope to be back by 10 o'clock. I'd love to talk with you and learn more about you and well undress you all over again. I really can't believe that with everything that did happen yesterday that I didn't get the opportunity of tasting even one of your luscious breasts. I will do so on my return and more. I'm so glad you're here Anna. It's more than just the physical delight, I find in you that makes me say that. Simply sleeping last night with you was an experience. You make me feel far less alone than I ever have in my adult life. I...... I should stop making a fool of myself I suppose. I took the liberty of drawing you a bath. I hope it's still warm for you, but it is the tropics and so nothing ever really gets all that cold. See you soon."

Anna looked up from the letter. She stared into space for a solid moment before breaking into an emotional outburst of tears as she folded her hands together and said, "Oh God, thank you so much! It...... I, oh gosh, it's almost 10 o'clock!" She exclaimed, as her teary eyes found a clock in the room.

She bounded up off the bed and took a big step towards an adjoining room which she saw the corner of a porcelain tub sticking out of. That stride forward told her something.

She'd never been this sore in her feminine parts in all her life. Literally, she was married to a virtual stallion of a man.

Forcing herself to walk, she brought one hand up to her mouth as she said, "Oh dear!" As the sensation of her husband's excessive amount of seed trickling down the inside of her one thigh became a reality to her.

Married life with this man was going to prove interesting, but she didn't care. Far from feeling disgusted by the outpouring of his seed she instead almost felt like it was a badge of honor somehow.

The water was still warm and with relish she sank into it. There was no time to take it easy though. She wanted to be ready for him when he returned.


I made my way through the bedroom carrying the large tray in one hand poised overhead as I held a pitcher of juice in the other. I heard a rustling stir from the direction of the bathroom, as I made my way past it, but I didn't stop to look.

My eyes took in the sheet tossed bed and ripped apart dress and undergarments by the bed. It was a beautiful sight and with a smile I continued on through a pair of glass doors that I had opened earlier.

I set the tray down on a stone table as well as the pitcher. From there I went to the railing to gaze down upon the hustle and bustle of an empire on the rise.

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