Chapter 2 - Uncertain Path

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New Orleans, Ten Years Later

Anna McLean hurried along the shadowed boardwalk. This was without fail the moment that she dreaded most within a month's time.

As always this time of the month she used the bulk of the salary that she acquired in the care and teaching of a young lady of high society to be spent in the payment of a debt to a member of the worst of what society had to offer. Such were the lingering effects of her dead husband's weaknesses in how they continued to poison her future.

A debt no matter how ill-gotly gained was still a debt and she would see to it being paid off in full so that once and for all she would be free of the past that had robbed her of the future she had dreamed away the days of her childhood in earnest expectation of.

To make a long story short, she had simply married the wrong man. She'd known it almost instantly, but she'd stayed as it was only right in her eyes to do so.

Eric had been a gambler. She hadn't known it when she'd married him, but it had become quite apparent afterwards.

The debts had mounted up increasingly, until he feared for his life from those he had bonded himself to as a debt slave. When she had married him she had truly loved him, but her early life with him only bore testament to the fact that she'd never really known him.

Still, she had tried to love him and care for his needs, but that had all changed the day that she'd come home to see him fidgeting about nervously. She'd asked him what was going on and that was when he had laid out a plan before her that would get them out of debt.

All the plan required was for her to go over the course of five nights to his debtholders and allow herself to be used sexually by them. As if that hadn't been enough, she was also supposed to act like she liked it.

That had been the last straw and without a word she had left the house never to return. The following week she received word that Eric had killed himself and try as she might and God forgive her for being so, she just couldn't even bring herself to overly care about his passage from the land of the living, other than the fact that she was sure that heaven hadn't been his ultimate destination. For that she did mourn, but for the man he had been she cared not a thing.

Gathering a deep breath, she eased her way into the office of the town's mayor. He had been the chief financier of her husband's carefree life in the saloons and no doubt elsewhere.

She made payment to him each month without fail and without fail his eyes rose to undress her in such a lustful fashion that caused her to ache against having to restrain herself from the urge to club the man half out of his senses and hope that something potentially good might be discovered. That was nothing but a wild fantasy, though she feared.

"Good morning, dear Widow McLean. Don't you just look as luscious as ever!" He remarked salaciously.

Without saying a word of welcome she went up to his desk and dropped the money onto it before then turning to leave. He rarely let her escape so easily though.

Calling out pompously he said, "Stop!"

She stopped, only too prepared to move on if needed.

"Now turn around."

Grudgingly, she did so.

The mayor's eyes raking down her form he said, "Take off your dress. Do it now, since I've played this game for far too long!"

Anna blinked in startlemeant. He had never been so bold in his lust for her before. The act of such bold presumption on his part though had her spitting out, "I most certainly will do no such thing! Good day Sir!!!"

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