Chapter 7- "Good Morning"

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After the encounter with Mr. Cavalier, Liliana wouldn't see him for the rest of the weekend, until it was time for them to return to the states. 

Over their weekend, Chamille played tourist guide and helped Liliana enjoy a mini vacation. Of course during their time, Chamille did try to teach Liliana as much as she could about working for Mr. Cavalier. 

After Liliana had agreed to help Chamille, Chamille did alert Jenna, who was ecstatic about the news, but she still advised Chamille to train Liliana with other clients as well. 

Liliana and Chamille both had moments where they spent some alone time, and usually it meant they were on the phone with their loved ones. 

Liliana had been dodging her mother's pestering questions for the entire weekend, and the more her mom badgered, the more annoyed Liliana became. 

"Mom for the last time nothing happened between me and the client. This is a business with a good reputation. The relationship between Hosts and Clients is strictly professional." Liliana found herself explaining for the hundredth time.
"Right, right." The mom replied, though Liliana could tell that she wasn't convinced, and as much as Liliana wanted to continue to enforce the idea that there was nothing between her and Mr. Cavalier, she decided to drop it.
"Okay, so we'll be heading back tomorrow. The flight leaves at 7:00 AM, so we should hopefully land around 11:00 PM, and I'll probably get home around 12:00 ish..." Liliana explained her schedule, and her mom simply said "okay. Did you get what I asked for?" The mom then asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes mom, but frankly I don't think I'll bring it to you until you stop thinking about me marrying my boss." Liliana threatened and her mom gasped dramatically as she said "you wouldn't dare." And Liliana smiled as she shrugged and said "we'll see. Mom I have to go, we have a long day tomorrow."
"Alright love. Get some rest, be safe and call me as soon as you land." Her mother replied lovingly, and Liliana smiled as she said "of course. Good night mom. Tell dad I said hi."
"Good night." The mom replied lovingly, then Liliana ended the call.

After getting ready for bed, Liliana headed out to bid Chamille goodnight, but found her already resting, so Liliana headed back to her room quietly. 

While Liliana laid in bed and patiently waited for sleep to come, she absentmindedly found her mind drifting to Mr. Cavalier. The way he pronounced her name echoed in her ear, and that caused a smile to creep on her face. 

When Liliana figured out what she was doing, she shook her head and tried to stop her absurd thoughts, but her brain had a different plan. 

Liliana turned on her side, cuddling the pillow underneath her head, as she began to imagine what Mr. Cavalier could possibly be doing at this time. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Cavalier sat behind his desk, as his eyes looked out the large window and onto his beloved city below. 

Having a French father and a roman mother, the city of Rome always held a special spot in his heart. Mr. Cavalier saw that the quiet city below brought peace to his constantly working mind, as he leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head, his tie loose. 

He closed his eyes and sighed as he found images of Liliana flashing before his eyes. 

He smiled while he reminisced on their memorable encounters, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that she believed she could resist him for long. The fact that she had enough courage to say no to him made Mr. Cavalier believe that Liliana would be tougher to seduce, but Frantz was sure that he would eventually have Liliana's complete attention and submission.

At the thought of Liliana in his arms, Frantz found his hand itching to touch her again. He could only imagine just how soft her skin was, and her lips, how he yearned to taste her lips. 

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