Chapter 6- "When in Rome" Part 2

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"Did I dismiss you?" Mr. Cavalier repeated when he received no response from Liliana.

Liliana who was currently as still as a statue.

Her heart thumped in her chest. The sound resonating in echoes in her ears.

Liliana could feel a heat wrap around her neck and head as she figured that she was once again in trouble. 

She could hear the authority in his tone and that sent a shiver down her spine. 

She was definitely in trouble.

Liliana heard some shuffling behind her, and turned sharply to find Mr. Cavalier standing from the couch, and facing her with his hands in his pockets.

He kept his gaze cool, but Liliana felt as if his scrutinizing eyes were burning her alive. She hated the fact that he was so in his zone, so calm and collected, which was the total opposite to her chaotic thoughts.

"Well did I?" Mr. Cavalier pushed, and Liliana looked away as she replied "Well no."
"But you decided to leave anyway?" Frantz spoke, his tone nonchalant, his gaze and tone both becoming a bit more firm.
"Well you didn't say anything, so I just assumed that you wanted me gone." Liliana replied truthfully as she tried to hold eye contact for as long as possible, but eventually she looked away, her nervous fingers playing with one another. 

Liliana felt her throat run dry. The entire situation was just too intense. This would be the second time she has gotten in trouble for not waiting on Mr. Cavalier's dismissal, and he didn't seem pleased with her. Not too long ago, Liliana remembered reassuring him that she would work hard, and it seem she was already breaking that promise.  

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to assume?" Frantz demanded in a scolding tone, which in turn caused Liliana to frown.
"Did your mother ever teach you better manners?" Liliana found herself pushing back, unable to control her mouth or stop herself before the words flew out of her lips.
"Liliana-" Frantz began as if to reprimand her.
"Mr. Cavalier." Liliana replied as she hardened her eyes against his glare, she didn't plan on letting him intimidate her. Well at least not too much.

Mr. Cavalier slightly cocked his head to the right and scoffed at Liliana's sudden bravado, then he smirked as he rose up to her challenge.

If she wanted to play... then he would play.

Mr. Cavalier removed his hands from his pockets, and began undoing his cuff links in order to pull the sleeves of his dress shirt back. As he did so, he kept his dark gaze on Liliana and began taking measured steps towards her.

Unsure of what to do, Liliana looked around hoping for a way out.

The closer Frantz got, the shallower Liliana's breaths became. 

So much for not letting him intimidate her. 

Liliana tried avoiding his gaze, but the second they fell back on his eyes, her breath hitched in her throat, just as Mr. Cavalier he stopped only a few inches away from her.

Liliana's eyes were once again set the base of Mr. Cavalier's neck. Her palms were sweaty as she continued to play with her intertwined fingers. And while Liliana found it easier to breathe when she kept her eyes away from his, Mr. Cavalier saw it as a sign of defiance. 

"There is something called personal space you know." Liliana blurted out before she could stop herself, after she felt that the room had been way too quiet.
"I know, but I figured we've been close before, didn't think you would mind it." He observed keeping his tone low, and that note rang through Liliana's body, and she drew in a breath getting a whiff of his very manly, very expensive cologne.

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