5- Never. Ruin. My. Mornings.

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Rome's P.O.V

This is HYSTERICAL right now she thinks I'm losing but in reality I'm winning. The last round is where I start to show skill. Heh, she's getting cocky and overconfident! I think that Yumeko chick figured out what I'm doing.

War may seem like a game of chance but, if you're smart enough you can win the game. The game is actually all about reading your opponent and predicting what comes next.

Sayaka's P.O.V

Something.... is off. Why would she call for a match if she keeps on losing. Well, she is new here maybe she's just not used to gambling with a great student council member like me. No... is she losing on purpose? But why? We're about to go on the last round so, that means she would have to win every time in that round. No, she has to be doing something else.

Yumeko's P.O.V

To a normal person's eye they would think the outcome for Rome would be grim. But TO A GAMBLER'S EYE SHE'S WINNING!

Suzui's P.O.V

I don't like where this is going...

Rome's P.O.V

This is it. We're on the last round. TIME TO BEAT HER ASS. But first let's come clean. "And scene! You know Sayaka, sometimes I think I should try out for acting." She looked at me with wide eyes and all color left her face once she realized what my plan was.

"Anyways let's get to it shall we?" We both picked up one card and got ready to flip them. "1, 2, 3." We both flipped our cards and I got ace while Sayaka got king. "Heh. 4 more times and I win Sayaka~" She gulped and drew another card. This time Yumeko counted. "1,2,3!!" She drew a queen while I drew a king! "Awww so sad you lost another! Only 3 more~"

Sayaka's P.O.V


Rome's P.O.V

OhHHHHHH!!!! It looks like little miss cocky has found some confidence! Now to destroy it. "You know, im quite curious on what your position is in the student council. You're always glued to that book of yours.... could it be You're a secretary?"

She looked at me with wide eyes trying to read me. Heh. Like she's going to ever find out. Then out of no where Yumeko talked. "Aww Sayaka-chan! Does the cat have your tounge?" Wait what? I looked over to Yumeko who was looking at me. Well that's not FUCKING CREPPY NOW IS IT? Shut up Rome You're getting off track now focus.

I picked up a card from the deck and stared right into Sayaka eye's with no emotion. "3, 2,1!!" We revealed our card's and low behold I won yet again. Ha. She's losing confidence FAST. Only one more turn and I- "no please President please don't be mad at me." Huh? What the fuck does she mean by president? Is she in love with her or something? Eh, whatever she's just overreacting.

Yumeko eagerly shouted "1,2,3!!" We both showed our cards and.... I WON BAHAHA IN YOUR FACE SUCKERRRRR. Jesus Rome be a good sportsman.

"Ahem, I've enjoyed playing with you Sayaka! But if you don't mind I want to be collecting my money now." But I know she doesn't have enough money to pay. Meaning, she takes my place as a housepet! "I- I don't think I have enough..." Heh. She's tearing up!

"Awww well that's TOO bad isn't it?!" I grabbed her shirt collar harshly to look at me. "I guess you'll have to be a-" I went down and whispered in her ear "A kitty-cat." I grabbed my house pet chain and put it around her neck. I grabbed my things and said one last thing "Never. ruin. My. Mornings." And with that I left.

Yumeko's P.O.V

W- what? I didn't expect her to win! Ha. HA. HAHAHAHAHA. I- I LOVE HER! SHE'S AMAZING! I NEED HER!!!!

Sayaka's P.O.V

No. This way supposed to happen. I- I underestimated her.  She was supposed to be horrible at gambling. How could this happen? Was all of this because of what happened this morning?

???'s P.O.V

"Miss!" Someone slammed opened my door. Ugh seriously? What is so important that they probably ruined my door. "What is it?" They hesitated before saying "It's Sayaka sh- she lost a match against a house pet."  "Well what's the person's name?"  He looked at me with his usual cold arrogant eyes.

"Her name is Rome. She just arrived today from America. Apparently the motive for the match was because Sayaka 'ruiend her morning', What do we do about this?"
Wow on her very first day she managed to beat one of my members. "Offer Rome a postion as a student council member." When life gives you lemons "Y- Yes president." You make lemonade.


Hello! It's longer sooo hopefully that makes up for my posting schedule!

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