16: The Battle

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It was insulting. Malekith and the monster turned away from them as if they weren't worth the time. The remaining elf soldiers ran towards them, but Thor seemed to be doing a good job picking them off. Loki heard the sound of something flying towards him and saw a gravity grenade incoming.


He shoved Jane out of the way and began running when he felt himself being lifted in its pull.

"Loki!" someone shouted. Probably Nyssa.

Something hit him from the side and he felt himself falling. With a thud, he found himself on the hard ground next to Thor.

He saved me? He does care! However touched he was, now was not the time for sentiment. He got to his feet as Thor lifted off and flew to stop Malekith from boarding the ship.

The monster swatted his powerful brother like a fly. If Loki wasn't surrounded by elves, he might have had something to say about that.

They approached slowly. Loki couldn't tell if the goal was to be cautious or menacing. Whatever. One of them finally rushed at him and he dispatched it. He felt something hit his shoulder. From what he could tell, it was Nyssa's hair. She was standing at his back, keeping him alive. They made quick work of the elves.

It helps, he thought, to have an invisible dual-wielding full rage feisty warrior princess with a huge protective streak.

"Good job," he whispered.

He could hear the self-satisfied smirk in her tone. "Not bad yourself, princess."

"This isn't over. Where's Thor?"

He scanned the landscape. Thor was busy getting his royal arse handed to him by the Kursed monster.

"C'mon," Nyssa chuckled. "Let's go save the damsel in distress."

Loki picked up some fallen elf's sword. Nyssa rushed ahead, as evidenced by her footprints.

"No, wait!" he called.

She didn't hear him or she decided to ignore him. The monster continued pounding at Thor and didn't notice the girl that approaching.

No... she appeared as he drew his elbow back, sending her flying backward. She landed, unconscious, a few yards back.

He had half a mind to go help her, but the logical half decided he'd be better suited to help her after the beast was killed. He carefully approached it, keeping an eye on the flailing powerful arms.

With a carefully timed thrust, he impaled the borrowed weapon through the monster's chest. Surprised, it stopped. Loki stepped out to the side about to check on Thor.

Rough hands seized his sides and pain exploded in his chest. He vaguely registered Thor's anguished yell.

He was face-to-face with the beast, the same weapon he had used piercing him.

Well that hurt, he thought. A million things rushed through his mind at that moment, but the most important thing was killing the beast. His hand found its way to the last remaining gravity grenade on the monster's belt and armed it, right as the creature pushed him off the blade and threw him to the ground.

The beast took a step forward, menacing and threatening, unaware of its impending doom. Loki smirked.

"See you in Hel, monster."

The grenade detonated, sucking the beast into a vortex of bright red before vanishing.

Loki collapsed, a haze of pain clouding his vision. Someone curled an arm under his head.

"Oh, you fool! You didn't listen!"

Thor's voice.

Loki focused, ignoring the pain and locking eyes with his brother.

"I-I know...I'm a fool...I'm a fool..."

He made an effort to sit up but was stopped by the pain. His surroundings slipped out of focus.

"Stay with me!" Thor called, bringing him back into focus.

"I'm sorry..." he gasped, trying to say so much with so little time. He was struggling for air. He knew he didn't have much time. And he so dearly wanted to tell Thor everything...

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry," was all he could manage.

"It's alright," Thor reassured him, the tear on his face marking the resignation to Loki's impending death. "I will tell father what you did here today."

Loki shook his head as much as he was able. "I didn't do it for him."

He could no longer keep his eyes open. His breath had nearly slowed to a stop. The world went dark...darker than it already was.

"Loki," a woman's voice called.


"Yes, my child. Hold on. I will see you soon but now is not that time. Hold on. Nyssa's coming. Hold on for her. Now is not your time to die, my son. I love you."


"Loki? Oh gods, no!" A new voice cried.


"Come on, Loki. Here..."

A speck of silver shot across his hazy vision. He felt something cold on his face.

A strange tingling feeling took the place of the pain of the wound. He felt his breathing return. He blinked and his eyes found a familiar pair of blueish green.


"Yes!" she laughed. Before he could say anything else, she leaned down and kissed him. He sat up next to her, wrapping her in his arms and kissed her again.


"Oh I thought I lost you there," she breathed shakily, her voice weak. "Loki...do you realize what happened? Thor thinks you're dead. You're free to go and live your life! You can take on a new face and start over."

"Nys, this is wonderful!"

"Promise me something, Loki," she whispered, her breath ragged. "Don't dwell on me."

What? No, no, no...that can't be good...

"Nys, what are you talking about? We'll be together, right?"

She smiled wryly. "I...I think I'm leaving you here...That thing packed quit a punch and the rocks are sharp.  I gave you the last of the healing draught..."

"No..." Loki whispered.

Blood was staining the yellow fabric at her stomach.

"Nys, no!" Panic seized him. His death he could deal with, but hers? No. No, no, no! "Why? Why would you do it?"

She let out a little laugh. "Because I love you, idiot. Obviously. And you have a future to look to. I've been as good as dead for years. The only reason I'm alive is so I can help you. And I'm gonna help you if it's the last thing I do."

"Nys, please! Don't talk like that!"

She chuckled. "I'm always sarcastic. You...you think I-I'm stopping now?"

"Nyssa! Stop. You're gonna be okay. You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it. I prom-"

"Don't. You can't. I made my choice and I'll live with the consequences." She smirked. "Well, I won't live with them, but you know."

Tears welled in his eyes. "Nyssa..."

She gripped his arm. "Please, live a good life for my sake. Stay out of trouble. And Loki..."

Her voice, already haggard and weak, was reduced to a faint whisper. "I'll wait for you on the other side."

Loki cradled her head in his arms. "Oh, Nyssa..." he whispered, his face contorted with pain. "I love you too."

He brushed her hair out of her fading eyes and kissed her once more.

He pulled back as she expelled her last breath, her gaze fixed on him with a slight smile.

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