1: The Trial

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Loki was rushed along the corridors of Asgard, surrounded by nearly a full battalion of warriors. Upon his arrival to the golden city, Odin had ordered that he be placed in a cell to await trial.

His head still pounded as the palace passed in a blur.

How had he messed up so badly? How had he, the god of tricks, allowed himself to be tricked and manipulated? He knew now that the scepter had been controlling him as much as it had controlled Agent Barton, Dr. Selvig, and all the others. It hadn't taken over his mind, it had changed its perspective.

He realized it now. He had begun to recognize it from the moment the Hulk finished whipping him around like a ragdoll.

But how could he explain it?

It would sound like a pathetic excuse. They would never believe him.

Not even...well, maybe...there was a slight chance that Frigga...his mother...she might believe him...

He couldn't. He couldn't try to convince her. Odin and Thor would think he was turning her against them. He couldn't do that. He would have to embrace the persona Thanos had made for him.

"Enjoy your solitary confinement!" one of the warriors chuckled, shoving Loki-not too gently- into his new home...

Loki released a sigh, before coating the walls in an illusion. They would never see anything besides what he wanted them to see.

Right now, he wanted them to see him sitting calmly on the edge of the bed.

In reality, he flopped down, stifling a sob with the pillow. He had to cut himself off from his family. Thanos had given him no choice. They would never forgive him and he would never tell them.

Loki had felt shunned before, but nothing compared to the violent feeling of complete isolation that washed over him now. He was broken and alone.

He muffled the sound of his tears with the pillow until he felt himself drifting towards sleep. With his last bit of consciousness, he had his illusion lay down to sleep.

"Why do I even care?" he asked the ceiling. I could be dead tomorrow. My trial is tomorrow. Odin will never believe or forgive me. I'll only make it more painful for Mother. Because she'll believe me but won't be able to do anything. I can't...She mustn't know. I'll go before Odin tomorrow and act without any remorse whatsoever. I will be the monster they think...they know I am

In the morning, the guards came for him.

He was escorted to the throne room in chains, mentally slipping into the cocky role he had planned to assume.

The first thing to do was convince his mother he was beyond help. It would be easier for her if she gave up on him.

"Hello, mother," he said with a trace of sarcasm. "Have I made you proud?"

"Loki," she pleaded quietly. "Please, don't make this worse."

Her words cut straight to his heart, but he wouldn't let it show. "Define worse," he said, forcing a subtle smirk.

"Enough!" Odin demanded. "I will speak to the prisoner alone."

As much as his cold tone hurt Loki, he now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was doing the right thing. His 'father' wouldn't even acknowledge his name, much less that he once was a son to him. There was no way he would make it out alive. He had to spare his mother the pain. He had to make her believe he was beyond hope.

Frigga shot Odin one last imploring look before retreating to the side.

Loki slowly and dramatically walked forward, making a big show of clicking his heels in a militaristic manner before letting out a chuckle.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about," he finally said.

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes?" Odin demanded. "Wherever you go, there is war, ruin, and...death."

Alright, Loki thought. Time to get myself killed.

"I went down to earth to rule the people as a benevolent god," he said. "Just like you."

"We are not gods," Odin corrected. "We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do."

"Give or take five thousand years," Loki shot back.

"All this because Loki desires a throne," Odin mused with a small shake of his head.

"It is my birthright!" Loki claimed, raising his voice and infusing anger. If he was going to get himself killed and earn Frigga's hatred, he really needed to step up the performance.

"Your birthright was to die!" Odin thundered. "As a child, cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, you would not be here now to hate me."

His words stung Loki, but he was resolved not to let them know. It was hard, however, to keep the desperation out of his tone when he next spoke.

"If I'm for the ax, then for mercy's sake, just swing it!" He took a breath, regaining control. "It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just..." he changed his mind. "I don't love them."

Odin took offense at that. "Frigga is the only reason you are still alive, and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeon."

Loki stumbled back.

She cared. She had saved his life. She had somehow stopped Odin from executing him.

Loki wasn't sure what to think. He was relieved and yet despairing at the same time. The very person he was trying to protect by dying was the one who stopped him. He regretted his attitude now. If she was never to see him again, he would live for many years, knowing that his mother...the last person to care about him...her last encounter with him was him trying so very hard to earn her hatred.

It was all he could do not to cry.

But he had to complete the act or Odin would be suspicious. So he brought up a subject he knew would refuel his rage.

"And what of Thor?" he demanded. "You will make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?"

Odin gave him a stern glare. "Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms, and then, yes. He will be king."

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