13: Escape

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Loki followed Thor along the palace hallways. Nyssa was invisible behind them, but keeping her hand on Loki's arm so he knew she was there.

"This is so unlike you brother," Loki said, a bit giddy in his newfound freedom. "So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?"

"Keep speaking and I just might," Thor grumbled.

"Fine, if you wish. I'm not even here." He disguised himself in the uniform of an Asgardian soldier. "Is this better?"

Thor took a quick look at him. "Better company at least."

"Still," Loki mused. "We could be less conspicuous."

With a new flash, his disguise fled, instead, covering Thor in an illusion of the Lady Sif.

"Mm, brother, you look ravishing."

Loki vaguely heard a stifled snort of laughter from Nys, but Thor remained oblivious. He took a quick glance at himself but apparently refused to react. "It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form," Thor deadpanned.

Loki gave a little shrug. "Very well, perhaps you'd prefer one of your new companions given that you seem to like them so much."

In a fresh illusion, Loki turned himself into a replica of Captain America, complete with a vibranium shield.

"Oh, this is much better!" he chuckled, reveling in the little distractions. "Costumes a bit much, it's so tight! But the confidence...I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey, wanna have a rousing discussion about truth? Honor? Patriotism? God bless Ameri-"

Thor quickly covered his mouth and slammed him into a column.

"What?" Loki demanded the second Thor let go.

They peered around the pillar to see a pair of soldiers walking by.

Loki rolled his eyes, regretting that he didn't grab his knives on the way out of the cell.

"You could at least furnish me with a weapon," he suggested. "My dagger, something."

Thor gave Loki an irritated look before going to draw a knife.

"Finally," Loki said with a smile. "A little common sense."

An unfamiliar clink of metal caused Loki to look down. A pair of handcuffs was adjusting to his wrists. He fixed Thor with a 'seriously?' look.

Thor smiled. "I thought you liked tricks."

Nyssa snorted. "Don't worry," she whispered. "I've got them."

They followed Thor down the hall until they met up with Lady Sif who was escorting Jane.

"You?" Jane said, hurrying her strides.

"I'm Loki," he said. "You may have heard of-"

She slapped him. Hard.

"That was for New York," she said fiercely.

Nyssa could be heard laughing again.

Loki chuckled, looking at Thor. "I like her."

Thor and Sif exchanged some quick and quiet words. Sif offered to hold off the oncoming battalion. Thor led the way down another hall, but before Loki and Nys could follow, Sif's sword was right at his throat.

"You betray him," she warned. "And I'll kill you."

Loki chuckled. "It's good to see you too, Sif."

Unaffected by his humor, she glared at him, allowing him to pass.

They followed after Thor, into the throne room, the majority of which was taken by a gigantic black ship.

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