They part ways seeing that they have different classes for first period. Brooke is excited for her first class because she shares it with her beloved boyfriend. It’s even surprising that it’s not every time he walks her to class. Some days, they act like they are attached at the hips, other days they don’t - but you barely see days like this.

Unlike Brooke, Stephanie isn’t excited about first period. She doesn’t have a boyfriend she shares it with. Instead, she has it with Christopher and his ex-girlfriend, poison Ivy.

Steph doesn’t even get to class to see the aforementioned bitch because she gets blocked by her and her minion on the way.

Why? Why? Why couldn’t she wait until I get to class or till after class? Steph laments in her head.

“Hello Stephanie,” Ivy says in a falsetto voice laced with fake enthusiasm and accompanied by a fake smile.

Steph is taken aback. Poison Ivy doesn’t act nice to anyone let alone a girl she has warned to stay away from her beloved boyfriend.

“Uhm….hi,” Steph replies after some confusing seconds pass.

“We have first period together right?” Ivy asks.

To Steph, it’s kinda surprising that she noticed they have class together.

“Can we talk to you for a minute?” Ivy says looking around. “In private.”

Aspen nods. “In the girls’ bathroom.”

Steph feels like if she agrees, she’d be walking into her end or something so she shakes her head in disagreement.
What can they possibly want to talk to her about? It’s not like they are friends or anything close to that. The only thing they can possibly want to talk to her about is Luke.  Steph remembers Ivy saying she doesn’t warn anyone more than once. And she doesn’t think Ivy counts Saturday night has staying away from Luke or not being anywhere near him. If she follows them into the girls’ bathroom, she’d be walking to her doom.

“Uhm….I have to get to class. We’ll talk later,” Steph mutters and tries to walk away.

They both stop her.

“Bathroom. Now,” Ivy says menacingly, her fake smile and enthusiasm gone.

Steph takes a deep breath and turns around.

“Go on, we’re right behind you,” Aspen urges her.

Steph begins to walk towards the girls’ bathroom, with Ivy and Aspen right behind her.

What are they planning? Steph mentally asks herself. She pulls her textbook closer to herself and hugs it. She sights some students rushing off to class and she wishes she can just join them.

She was quite relieved when she didn’t see Christopher come to walk her to class but right now, she’s wishing he did. If he did, she’s pretty sure she wouldn’t be on the way to the girls’ bathroom with these witches. But he always insist on them walking together to class whenever they have first period together so what makes today different?
Maybe he’s running late, Steph assumes but her subconscious assumes something else entirely.

Maybe he’s the one doing the avoiding this time around since you’ve be acting so distant and awkward around him. Maybe he has gotten tired of you since things seem to be going back to the way it was when he first started talking to you - No, trying to talk to you.

Stephanie wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case. It’s even surprising that he’s still here after all the hard time she has been giving him. But can you blame her? He has never noticed her then boom! They kiss at a party during a stupid game and then he suddenly wants to be friends with her.

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