Chapter 3: The Daughter's Biggest Assignment

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At the Castleteria, everyone had already finished decorating and helping each other out for the holidays and they split up into two groups to decide which group would like to do some fun activities in the school, or join with Baba Yaga and Headmaster Grimm's daughter to take on a journey to a new location at Ever After High. They were amazed to see Arthura Grimm for the first time and she was pleased to meet all the students, but she also felt shy about how she would be able to manage the whole day with a group of students that she will be with would be chosen to be with her and Baba Yaga. Then, the headmaster made his next speech to the students after he introduced them to his daughter at last. "Now listen up, please." He said. "There are two choices for you all to make, to enjoy an festive season today.

The two choices are: To either join in with me, Giles and the White Queen for some fun and games or go with Miss Arthura Grimm and Baba Yaga to take a journey to a place to visit." All the students were making their quick decisions to find out which choice they will pick, which pleases Arthura because she can see how the Royals and Rebels are making good progress. "Okay, everyone." The White Queen called, making sure that all the students were paying as much attention as they should. "Hands up if you would like to do some jolly activities with us." Then they noticed that the Royals had their hands up, but the Rebels didn't.

The White Queen was surprised to see that, but clearly understood that. "Fairy well." She continued. "Now, hands up if you would like to go with Miss Baba Yaga and Miss Arthura Grimm to visit somewhere nice." And the Rebels had their hands for that choice. Arthura knew she would be going out with the Rebels, especially that she will in future because she knew that they want to get know a lot more about her and how they never met her at Ever After High. The White Queen agreed and the two groups were split up to join with their teachers. The Royals had gathered round to join in with Headmaster Grimm, Giles and the White Queen, while the Rebels gathered up with Arthura and Baba Yaga to get themselves ready for a small trip to a place they never been before. "Make sure you have a safe and wonderful time my dear."

Said Headmaster Grimm, wishing Arthura the best of luck on her first official day of being at Ever After High. "I will, father." Arthura replied happily. "I am so happy to take the lead of this group and I will be keeping an eye on them." "That's the spirit there my dear." Her father conceded, then he turned his attention to the staff and the Royal students. "Right everyone, let's have some fun now." Once the Royals went off with Headmaster Grimm and the others, the Rebels were lining up to greet Arthura as they want to make herself at home, but in one of their dorm rooms each at Ever After High.

Arthura felt a little bashful, but she did appreciate the pleasure from the Rebels as she planned the route on her MirrorPhone which leads them to the new location, which is somewhere close to the sea near Ever After High. The Rebels had no idea where they'll be heading today, but Arthura knew that because she is going to give the Rebels and herself the best time of their lives. "Alright my dear Rebels." Called Baba Yaga. "Now you have all got know the headmaster's daughter, now is the time to find out which journey she is going to take us all to." "That's right." Said Arthura. "And luckily the route to that new location that we are taking is all set and we're ready to go.

As a private student, I'll be in charge of you all and will also be observing you all just to make sure that we all stay together and be safe, as well as enjoying ourselves of course. Even Miss Yaga will stick by my side, just to keep a close eye on us." Baba Yaga agreed. "Hexcellent work my dear." Then Arthura stood next to Baba Yaga and she turned her attention to the Rebels who are all waiting patiently for the long walk to a new place. "Okay." She said. "Are we all ready?" All the Rebels said yes like they do mean it because they are looking forward to an enchanting day at a mysterious new place at Ever After High. "Then let's get scrolling!" Arthura cheered as she was the only one who is looking forward the most.

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