Chapter 1: The New Beginning

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It is a crystal clear December morning at Ever After High, a boarding school where the sons and daughters of famous fairy tale characters who attended there as students are generally divided between two groups. One group of students are the "Royals" who are following their parents' footsteps, like Apple White, daughter of Snow White and their natural-born leader. The other group of students who are the "Rebels" who wanted to rewrite their own destinies, like Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen and their leader of the Rebel movement. And this year, they are all grown up from teenagers to young adults. Well almost adults definitely, but they still got another few years of their attendance until their graduation.

One winter morning on December 14th, they were all fast asleep in their beds as a pair of roommates in one dorm room each of their own, all had a dream of a perfect Christmas they will celebrate this year. Then all of the sudden, their MirrorPhone alarms rang to let them know that it's 7 AM and soon they all woke up feeling very hexcited, because today is an hexciting day. It is the day where all the students get to meet a very special guest coming to Ever After High to give her a warm welcome, her name is Schicksal Claus, daughter of Santa Claus so they will receive an early gift each this year. So they all got up, dressed into their modern outfits and headed towards the Castleteria all singing their hearts out to the original anthem of Ever After High with harmony and joy until breakfast has been served as the most important meal to brighten up their day.

Soon they were just about to enjoy their breakfast when they noticed Apple is the only Royal student who is still humming and shimmying with joy and keeps her spirit inside her alive, knowing that she is the next Snow White as well as the future queen with everything she achieved to succeed her future. Raven and the other students can all see her being cheerful, but they seemed puzzled about why she is still swaying at the table. "Apple," Raven asked. "Are you feeling alright? You look as if you're getting carried away there." "Oh no," Apple replied. "I am so hexcited to meet Schicksal Claus, daughter of Santa Claus who's coming to give us presents at our school this year! Besides, who knew that Santa, as the king of the North Pole that we know would ever had a daughter with a name that has the same meaning to us Royals about following our parents' footsteps?" The Royals already knew about that fact, but the Rebels didn't. "Well how nice is that to hear." Raven chuckled. "Ornament to say 'naughty to say'."

The Rebels giggled with joy and agreement to Raven's remarkable joke, but Apple didn't find it funny at all, not even enough and the Royals couldn't understand what that joke really meant. "You get it?" Raven continued. "Ornament, I meant. Haha!" "Oh Raven," Said Madeline Hatter. "That's a good one! I could do something like that for a yuletide stand-up." "Well, same here," Replied Briar Beauty. "But I am much more of a diva if you guys know hexactly what I mean. After all, we Royals do have our destinies to follow, while you Rebels do what ever it takes to choose your destinies whatever after you want." All students knew that part of their conflict already, but agreed. "Oh yes," Agreed Apple.

But then, she had a cheeky idea for a festive tease on Rebels by noticing her plate full of holiday seasonal pancakes. "We'll vote on the best served breakfast between my dish and Raven's dish! Shall we roomie?" And Raven did accepted this challenge and she and Apple both come face-to-face with each others' own breakfast each and the students must decide which one is the best and a lot more Christmassy, which has been revealed that they all put theirs thumbs up for Apple's Christmas angel pancakes and then placed their thumbs down for Raven's favorite breakfast. An almond butter oatmeal porridge with caramelized bananas and walnuts, which she enjoyed it most.

"Hooray!" Apple Cheered. "We won the bet!" But Raven didn't cheered, she is now becoming jealous and so were the Rebels. So jealous she shouted out... "Oh no you didn't!" "Oh yes we did!" Cried Apple. And all the students repeated after them. "Oh no you didn't!" Went the Rebels. "Oh yes we did!" Went the Royals, and they all repeated their phrases one last time when suddenly, a voice boomed out loud and grabbed their attention. "SILENCE!" It was the headmaster of the whole school, Milton Grimm and he wasn't fairy pleased in the way the students were all acting like children once again since their first year at Ever After High. "Now," He called in a much lower tone of his voice. "May I have all your attention please?" And all the students around at the Castleteria did turn their attention to the headmaster's important announcement for them as he scolded.

Ever After High: A Christmas To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now