The War of The Realms

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Happy 200 chapters. Enjoy this, much, longer chapter.

You slammed into Laufey with great force. He slammed against the wall and you began to deliver Harlem Beatdown after Halrem Beatdown. It was like punching a brick wall back when you didn't have powers. Laufey eventually caught your fist which caused the ice to crack ever so slightly before you caught his other fist. The two of you stared each other down as you struggled for control.

On the battlefield; Warlock, Sam, Robbie, and now Danny all used their new found strength to take care of the never ending giants while the others fought the various other foes. Thor held off many foes with his ax while Jane destroyed many more with her hammer. Everyone was doing their part alongside the Asgardian and Gladiator forces.

Cat was caught off guard and fell to the snow. She managed to stab one of the elves with her spear but more began to surround her.

Moon Knight: Stay the fuck away from my kitten!

The elves were quickly cut down by a chain whip with a cross blade attached to the end. Moon Knight fliped, turned, twist, and leaped around as the chain followed him like an elegant dance. He helped Cat up and nodded.

Cat: What are you doing here?!

Moon Knight: Helping my nephew. I brought some of the Knights.

He pointed to Venom, Victor, Logan, and Frank.

Cat: Who are the Knights?

Moon Knight: Talking comes after the bloodshed.

Moon Knight and Cat stood back to back as more enemies approached.

Doreen leaped around and crushed any giant she could while beating the flaming beasts. There was a loud roar in the sky and she turned to see a massive mammoth looking flame creature charging through the field taking out ally and foe alike. She leaped out of the way before it could get her and stood back up. She watched as it spotted her and charged at her. She readied her fists but the mammoth never reached her. Suddenly, it was hit with seven daggers of light. Doreen turned around and saw two people she had not seen in almost 2 years.

Doreen: Tandy? Tyrone?

Dagger jumped down and started to fight as Cloak opened up his black cloak. From the darkness came even more allies.

Tony: You kids need to step up. I can't keep coming out of retirement to babysit.

Tony, Janet, and Johnny all flew out while the rest of the Fantastic Four, Vision, Wanda, Clint, and two Ghost Riders appeared.

Tandy: We found them on our way here. Hope you don't mind.

Doreen squealed before she kissed the blonde girl.


Tandy blushed but hugged her back. The battlefield was even now. It was two realms against four. Gods among men were on your side while you fought the king of the giants. Everyone was giving their all. You couldn't fall behind now.

You made some distance between you and Lufey as you caught your breath. This was harder than it was with Odin since you were stuck in such a close and cold place. Lufey seemed to be wearing out though. You rushed towards him as a thought crossed your mind. You slid under him and stood back up just in time to deliver a devastating blow between the legs.

Across the battlefield, all the men stopped and grabbed their privates.

Spidey: Ow.

Lufey hit the ground and you raised your hand toward the sky to summon a bolt of lighting which struck down on the giant. Lufey twitched before getting back up. He turned towards you and summoned spikes on his fist as he brought it down. You tried to phase through them but just like with Odin, it didn't work. The spikes stabbed into your shoulder before he pulled them out. You stumbled back with the open wound.

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