Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 1

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You were now beyond excited. Not only did you finally fix things with Felicia, you were taking her to the Monster Mash. Not only were you going, the entire Program was going. Gwendolyn and Nadia even texted you and told you they were excited. Nadia made it a point to include Quentin as well. The best part? It was a costume party! You got to dress up and celebrate Halloween like a normal teenager.

Venom: You're acting like a little kid.

Y/N: Are you not excited?

Venom: I'm excited for many thingsss. Ssseeing Felicia in a sssexy cossstume, candy, and ssscaring people. I am not excited for a ssschool dance.

Y/N: Don't be a buzzkill.

Venom: Excussse me?!

You just laughed at his expense. Kitty was very excited to pick out your costume and do your make up. A bit too excited really. You ended up in her room an hour before the dance so she could get you ready. She herself was dressed like a vampire of some kind which was actually really adorable.

Kitty: And done!

She spun you around so you could see yourself in the mirror. What were you going as? Take a wild guess.

Miles: Wow. He actually kinda looks like  Frankenstein's Monster.

You looked over to him to see that he was dressed as a zombie. Behind him was Gwen, who was dressed like a dead bride.

Y/N: You guys look good.

Gwen did a quick spin.

Gwen: I feel good. I'm so glad Widow gave us the night off.

Sam: Me to.

He poked his head into the room and smiled.

Sam: You look cool dude.

He fully entered the room and you saw that he was dressed as the Wolfman. Complete with torn flannel and all. You stood up and headed into the living room where you found the others. Everyone was already in costume. Danny was dressed as Dracula, Laura was a ghoul of some kind, Riri was a mad scientist, Katie was the Invisible Man, and Viv was wrapped up like a mummy.

Y/N: Wow. We actually look like normal teens.

Venom: Dressssed like monsssstersss. That sssaysss a lot about you all.

Viv: Speak for yourself parasite.

Venom: Why you...

Widow: Look at you all.

Spidey: Aww. They look so cute. Like actual kids.

Tony: I still can't believe you turned down the make up artist I suggested.

You looked over to the kitchen to find all of the Avengers standing there with mugs in their hands.

Y/N: What are you guys doing here?

Wanda: I wanted pictures.

Vision: I want to see my daughter off.

He then narrowed his eyes towards you.

Vision: To make sure she has fun.

You nodded.

Thor: You all look like mighty beasts from the depths of Hel! I approve.

Banner: Yeah. Reminds me of my Halloween days.

Sam: And now you're a raging monster everyday of the year.

No one laughed.

Sam: Damn. Tough crowd.

Cap: Anyway, we hope you have a great night and that you stay safe. And remember, not saying that I approve of underage sex, but wear protection if you do.

Every teen in the room groaned while Spidey laughed his ass off.

Y/N: Right. Well I need to stop by Felicia's to pick her up. I'll met up with everyone at the dance.

Everyone agreed. Riri and Viv were able to go since they were invited by Laura and Kitty. You headed to the elevator and hit the button.
You made it to Felicia's and were excited to see her.

Venom: Pleassse be ssssomething hot!

Y/N: Oh please be something hot.

She opened the door.

Y/N/Venom: YESSSS!

She was wearing a black dress that reached her knees and showed a bit of cleavage. On her lower back was a fake cat tail that was having freely. Her hair was dyed grey and she had fake cat ears on her head.

Cat: Hey there lover~

Y/N: You are amazing and I don't deserve you.

Cat just laughed and pulled on the "messy" coat Kitty put on you.

Cat: You look good~

Y/N: You look better~

Cat: We still have an hour before the dance starts.

Y/N: Yes we do.

Cat: Gwt in here.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

She pulles you into her apartment and you kicked the door closed behind you.
You endes up getting to the dance 15 minutes late. Felicia spotted some of her friends just as you found yours.

Felicia: We'll meet back up in 20?

Y/N: Sounds good.

You kissed her cheek and moves to the others. You found Gwendolyn, who was dressed as a shark, talking to Miles and Sam.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Kitty gasped and pulles you off to the side.

Kitty: What did you do?! Your make up is all messed up.

Venom: He and Felicia were making out. Ssssome heavy petting to.

Y/N: Have you ever heard of privacy?

Kitty fixed your make up. As the others began to crowd around.

Miles: Things are actually a lot better than last year.

Gwen: Definitely. I want to get to the candy table though.

Y/N: Candy table?

Sam: An entire table covered in candy. Take what you want. They refill it every hour.

That sounds, fun?


Right. Alien symbiote. One that really likes snack food.

Y/N: We'll work our way over there eventually. For now we need to meet back with Felicia.

Kitty: Is she here?

You nodded and pointed to the group she was talking to.

Riri: I like the costume. Is she like a Black Cat or something?

You and Venom tensed up. You never did tell them about that. You will. Eventually.

Y/N: Well, let's get this party going.

Everyone: Yeah!

And with that, everyone scattered to do their own thing. You met back with Felicia just as a song began to play.

Felicia: Oh! Let's go dance!

She grabbed your arm and pulled you out to the dance floor. You ended up dancing for a few songs, some with Felicia and some with Cat, before a slow song started. You held your hand out and Felicia took it with a smile. Across the room, Viv watched the two of you dance.

Laura: You ok?

Viv nodded.

Viv: I am very glad that everyone is happy now.

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