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You didn't see Quentin at school Monday. This made the turning pain in your stomach worsen. You didn't tell Nadia about what had happened out of fear that she would go after him. He was too unpredictable as of right now. You didn't tell anyone on the team either. You spent most of the weekend locked in your room trying to come up with a plan. You couldn't figure anything out.

When you got to school, you noticed a lot of the football players were looking over their shoulder. Seems like Quentin's threat got around. Things only worsen when you made it to your science class.

Mrs. Holgan: What do you mean they're missing?

You looked up from your table and noticed that she was talking to the chemistry teacher.

Mr. Richards: I mean they're all gone. All of the chemicals we just got last month.

You felt your eye twitch. It couldn't have been Quentin right? Math wasn't much better.

Mike: A lot of the equipment is missing from the locker rooms.

Gerald: Like what?

Mike: Shoulder pads, padding. Stuff like that.

You felt your body grow cold. Two cases of stolen supplies?

Danny: You ok? You look pale.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm fine.

You made a choice. That choice ended up with you on the subway traveling to Nadia's. You had to tell her. You should've told her earlier. You shouldn't have hid this from her.

Venom: Whatever you do, don't let her pursssue Quentin.

Y/N: I know.

You ended up at her home and knocked on the door. You didn't even stop by the tower so you still had your backpack with you. The door suddenly opened to reveal a woman.

Janet: Oh, hello. Can I help you?

Y/N: Is Nadia home? I'm a friend from school.

Janet looked you up and down vefore smiling.

Janet: I know you are, Monster. Come in.

She opened the door more for you to enter.

Janet: Nadia is in her room upsta....

You rushed up the stairs and towards the room which read "Nadia". You knocked on the door.

Nadia: Hello?

You phased through the door and dropped your bag. Nadia was on her bed looking through her phone. She was definitely surprised to see you.

Nadia: Y/N?

Y/N: I messed up!

Nadia sat up.

Nadia: What do you mean?

You ran your hands through your hair as you started pacing.

Y/N: Quentin wasn't in the film room Friday. He was behind the gym threatening the football team with his drones. He went full villain and even threatened to kill them if they messed with him or either of us.

Nadia looked worried.

Nadia: Quentin wouldn't, no. He wouldn't kill someone!


You grabbed your head.

Y/N: He killed Chester.

Nadia was speechless. You could see the fear start to settle on her face. Her eyes grew distant as she clenched her chest.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now