The Story of The Ghost Rider

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Robbie sighed as he looked out the window. He has been an Avenger for almost a a year and a half by now. You would think he would be used to being this bored. He almost missed Felicia's non stop training sessions and the seemingly never ending missions the Strikers went on. Those days were behind him now. He almost felt stuck in this tower.

He turned back to see Katie still packing for her trip. It was mostly the things she needed most. Clothing, toiletries, hair products. Ok. Maybe not that last one per say. He could only image how bored he was going to be without her here to keep him company. Unlike most of the new Avengers, he didn't have friends outside of the base. Hell, there were times he could barely stand the people in the base. He didn't hate them, they can just get annoying after a while.

Robbie: When will you be back again?

Katie looked at him and smirked teasingly.

Katie: Are you already missing me?

Robbie rolled his eyes before turning back to the window.

Robbie: I'm not that much of a sap.

Katie hummed before wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Katie: Sure. I'll be back in a few days if everything goes well.

Robbie sighed.

Robbie: A few days?

Katie nodded. She kissed his cheek before returning to her bag.

Katie: You know how much this means to Felicia. She needs the support.

Robbie: I know.

He came to think of Felicia like a sister almost. After you left, she stepped up and took over leadership. Robbie, being the second oldest, took her spot as the co leader and the Strikers became the Black Ops team Fury always wanted. When Robbie was offered a spot in the Avengers after the Strikers disbanded, he took it to look over Molly. What happened to the others? Tyrone and Tandy dissapeared, Molly joined the Avengers like him, and Felicia and Doreen became full time SHIELD agents.

He wanted nothing but the best for all of them. If Felicia wanted to take his girlfriend across the country to LA to find her father, then so be it. Robbie was sure he could work on the car some more or something. He felt Katie's hand on his shoulder as it turned him around so she could kiss him directly. The two fell into the kiss as Katie found herself on his lap.

Katie: I'll see you when we get back. It'll be before you know it.

Robbie smiled a bit.

Robbie: Take your time. I ain't going anywhere.
Robbie leaned against the doorway as Felicia and Katie finished stuffing their stuff in the back the beautiful red car Felicia "barrowed" from Carson. Felicia turned to Robbie and gave him a quick hug.

Felicia: I'll bring her back in one piece.

Robbie: You better.

The two smiled at each other before Katie gave her own hug. She kissed his cheek and turned back to the car.

Robbie: Take care of each other. If things get to crazy...

Felicia: We'll call!

Katie: Love you!

Robbie smiled as the two girls drove away. He sighed before he turned back towards the base. He entered through the lobby and started his way back to the living space that was made for him and Katie. Before he could get passed the first door, he was stopped by the receptionist.

Receptionist: Mr. Reyes? You have a letter.

Robbie raised a brow. Who would be writing to him. He looked at the letter the lady held and took it.

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