The Story of The Illusionist

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Quentin sat at his desk while he looked at the piece of his costume he had been working on. He wanted to make his helmet smaller and his armor more sturdy. He had also been meaning to fix his nuzzles for his gas after he broke one in a fight against the Sinister Six.

As he tinkered away, his mind drifted to his first time making his costume. He had meant to harm others. Just thinking about it made his head hurt. He didn't know why he did it. All because he was jealous of you. He ended up focusing on his work instead of thinking about the past.

He grabbed a chip from the bag he had brought with him as music played in the background. He use to hate background noise when he worked but Riri always listened to music. It grew on him. Quentin finished messing with the nuzzle and activated it, only for it to blow right into his face. He turned it off and began to cough as Riri walked in.

Riri: Hey dork. What're you up to?

He waved his hand around to get rid of the extra gas and looked down at the husted nuzzle.

Quentin: Just t-trying to fix m-my stuff.

He pulled out his tool and went back to working. Riri stood behind him and observed with interest. Even though he couldn't make stuff like Riri's suits or Viv's random devices, he was still smart enough to impress even Reed Richards. Not that Quentin would ever admit it.

Riri: I like this new design. It looks really cool.

Quentin: I-It could be b-better. T-This is j-just to hold m-me over.

Riri frown.

Riri: You need to stop doing that.

Quentin: S-Stop doing w-what?

Riri: Denying compliments.

Quentin rubbed the back of his neck.

Quentin: I d-don't do t-that.

Riri: Yes, you do. Just yesterday I said you have a cute butt and you replied, and I quote, "I have a normal butt". Who even says that?

Quentin: I d-do.

He then turned back to his suit.

Quentin: A-And I'm sure I s-stuttered more.

Riri looked at him slightly concerned. She didn't know why but lately, he had been oddly down. Even during training he would get frustrated more than usual. Riri had tried ro ask him about it but Quentin would always dodge the question.

Riri: Right. Well hey! Guess what?

Quentin didn't answer. Riri took this as a signal to continue.

Riri: Tonight everyone is getting together to watch all of the Star Wars movies.

Quentin: P-Pass.

Riri's smile dropped. Pass? Quentin Beck refused a invitation to watch Star Wars? What in the hell is going on?

Riri: What do you mean pass?

Quentin: I d-don't want t-to go. I-I'm busy.

Riri frowned at him.

Riri: Are you ok hun? You seem out of it.

Quentin: I'm f-fine.

Riri just looked at him for a moment. She decided to give up on it. No point in pushing him.

Riri: Ok then. I guess, I'll talk to you later.

Quentin didn't respond as she walked out of the lab.
Kamala: That is slight concerning.

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