Monster Mashes and Wolfbane Curses Pt. 2

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You were sitting at one of the avaliable tables with Danny who was just as worn out as you were.

Danny: Who knew dances were this tiresome

Venom was eating the candy you had managed to snatch from the table. He was a happy little alien. Right now he had a sucker in his mouth while he hid under your shirt. You noticed someone moving through the crowd and towards you. It was Quentin, dressed like Alfred Hitchcock.

Quentin: Hey Y/N.

You nodded and signales for him to sit.

Danny: Quentin the man. How's it going?

Quentin: G-great. You g-guys l-look cool.

Danny smiled while Venom continued to munch on his sucker.

Y/N: Where's Nadia?

Quentin: S-she was t-talking t-to one of her f-friends. C-cindy.

You looked around the room and spotted her. She was dressed like a princess of some kind. You also saw who she was talking to. It was the same girl who bumped into you after the whole bomb situation on your first day of school. You didn't really know what she was trying to dress as. She had a white robe with a golden head piece and around her neck was a medallion that looked to be made of stone with a green gem in the middle.

Danny: Cindy Moon?

You looked over and saw that Danny was staring at her.

Y/N: Holy hell. Do you have a crush on her?

Danny looked at you then to Quentin. Venom even slowly popped up to hear the answer.

Danny: We have English together. We just talk sometimes.

He began to look away. Yep. Totally had a crush on her. You returned your attention back to crowd and saw that Felicia had walked into the bathroom while the others kept dancing. Seems like everyone was having fun. You even saw Viv drag Nadia to the dance floor. That's right, Nadia is a Pym. That would mean that her father created Ultron who was kinda the creater of Vision making Viv and Nadia, aunt and niece? Wow. Talk about a confusing family.

You also notcied that Cindy was also missing from her original spot. You felt something rub against your ear and turned to see Cat standing there with a smirk.

Cat: You enjoying yourself?

You nodded and offered her a seat. You noticed Quentin stiffen up. This must have been weird for the kid. Having one of the most popular girls in school sit at the same table as one of the biggest outcasts.

Suddenly Kitty rushed over to the table and grabbed you.

Kitty: I need to barrow you boyfriend!

She yanked you out of the chair and dragged you out of the gym and into the hall. Cat took a moment to process what just happened while Danny was still making googly eyes to Cindy.

Meanwhile in the hall, Kitty looked around fo make sure no one was around before facing you.

Kitty: I have some bad news and some good news.

Venom: Thisss good newsss better be worth it. You took me away from my candy corn.

Kitty: Yeah. This is kinda big.

Sounds serious.

Kitty: Bad news is, there's some kind of dangerous artifact in the gym.

Yep. That was definitely something serious.

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