Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Adrian nodded, "That's why you're the smart one." 

"Yeah, sure," Braxton laughed some, "And Salem understands people." 

"I mean, he kind of does. More than most of us," Adrian replied. Braxton rolled his eyes and shoved Adrian some, making sure that Adrian fell onto one of the couches. "That's fucking rude dude." 

"Sure," Braxton said. Adrian shook his head gently and moved his crutches to be on the ground and part way under the couch. "You're gunna forget those are there." 

"He forgets he has them when he is using them," Shawn replied.


"I'm not wrong."

Adrian nodded in agreement, "But it still hurts." 

"It didn't hurt you and you know it," Braxton said. 

"I can't even bully my boyfriend," Adrian said, "You guys suck." 

Shawn looked at Adrian, "Yeah, your point?"

"...I hate you for that."

"You aren't special."



Braxton looked at the two, "Should me and Mike go? Or are you two gunna chill out?"

"I'm calm, I am always calm," Adrian said. 

Micheal looked at Adrian, "That is such bullshit." 

"...I didn't know today was dedicated to calling me out but alright damn," Adrian said, "Might as well just not even talk." The group all settled in to joking around and talking for a bit, Micheal and Adrian actively avoiding the topic of their mutual affections for each other. After a bit of their deflections, Shawn and Braxton caught on. 

"Shit," Braxton said from the kitchen, "Hey I gotta run to the store, Shawn want to come with me?"

"Sure." Shawn kissed Adrian quickly before walking out with Braxton. Micheal didn't believe that Braxton had to get anything. He figured this was to give Micheal and Adrian space to talk about their feelings without their boyfriends around. He didn't blame them for that choice, honestly it was painfully aware that the two definitely had some sort of feeling there but neither Micheal nor Adrian was good at expressing their feelings.

Even if they were good at expressing their feelings, it definitely wouldn't have been easy for Micheal who was still trying to fully grasp the homosexual and polygamous nature of his own heart. Confessing to himself that he liked both Adrian and Braxton was hard enough, and now he was both willing to and scared to confess that to them. He knew that they both supported it, obviously since Braxton was trying his hardest to push the two together.

Currently, Adrian was in the kitchen getting a drink, and Micheal didn't quite know what to do. He could go in there to talk to Adrian and put an end to the long wait and anticipation of when he would be able to talk to Adrian, the flip side of that was the actual talking. Micheal was about to get up and go to Adrian, right as Adrian returned to the living room. He sat on the same couch as Micheal, and Micheal could feel every nerve light up as Adrian's leg ended up touching his own.

"Why are you blushing?" Adrian asked, "I haven't even done anything yet Mike." Micheal blushed more at Adrian's call out, and despite what Adrian said, Micheal could tell that he knew what he was doing. "You blush so easily."

"N-Not used t-to it," Micheal stuttered, not looking at Adrian.

"Even while dating Braxton? Hell, you proposed to him," Adrian said, "That's got to be more flustering than my leg against yours."

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