Chapter 14: The Ball

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Angry and hurt by Hermione's words Harry stormed off. She sat down and rubbed her face with her hands, 'I'm sorry Harry, it had to happen...'. 


Harry was storming up the stairs, making a lot of noise. When he opened the door and arrived in the common room, Draco, Luna, and Mike had been making last-minute decisions for the final decorations. It was planned for the day after that one. Though when Harry had walked in the room had felt silent. He didn't care, he went straight to his room and slammed the door shut behind him, then he just laid on his bed.

Draco's POV:

*slam*, I guess 'Mione didn't go so easy on him. Well, step 1 completed I guess..."I'll go check on him, don't wait for me.", I quickly said before knocking on the door and entering Potter's room! Anyways his room was the same as mine, but Gryfindor themed obviously! He was on his bed, I walked over to him and gently pat him on the back, then I whispered: "Do you need a hug?".

3rd person:

"Do you need a hug?", Draco asked. Harry jumped up, throwing his arms around Draco's thin waist. The blonde was surprised by the sudden action, but after realizing what had just happened, he hugged back. It was a comfortable and loving hug. Then Draco said: "I need to say two things. First of all you can cry if you want, don't be embarrassed. And second of all I want you to tell me what happened.". Harry muffled his face inside Draco's neck. He wanted to stay like that all night. "Hermione told me I was bossy and selfish, but also that she was jealous of me being a better wizard, which isn't even true. She told me not everything was about me. Am I bossy and mean Draco?". Draco had been rubbing the cute boy's back, anyways he replied to Harry by whispering in his ear: "No you're not! You are the most adorable little potato ever! She was too harsh on you! I'll confront her about it at the dance!". This seemed to calm Harry down and a little while later he had fallen asleep on his friend, Draco's, chest. The Slytherin put him to bed before leaving to go to sleep too. 'Step 2 completed!', he thought...

The next day:

"Wakey Wakey little Gollowfish!", Draco whispered, shaking Luna awake and then playfully running away to Mike's room. "WAKE UP", he yelled into his friend's ear. He was using the Hufflepuf's own words against him. Mike shot up while Draco ran away to wake Harry up. Although when he arrived in Harry's room, Harry was already awake. The Golden Boy laughed, but Draco pouted: "You're no fun! Why are you already awake anyways?". Harry smiled and gazed in front of him. Draco was wondering what his friend was thinking about that made him wake up so early. Then he thought about it, oh no, it couldn't be...-"Sophia. I wanted to see her before we go. I really like her Dray.", Harry said. His mouth hung slightly open and he was smiling. And again Draco felt broken, but he also felt jealous, envious. What did she have that he hadn't?! So he said, for future's sake; "I don't trust her. Why does she want to become your friend all of a sudden. I bet she's only using you for fame!", There, he said it. Harry looked quite surprised at the sudden statement and before he left the room, he looked back at Draco. "Aren't you too?", he asked, mocking the blond. Chuckling his way out of his room and into the common room he couldn't help, but wonder about what Draco had said. Could it be true?

After his meeting, he went to the Great Hall where the others had already started decorating. Luna was turning the floating candles into bright silver butterflies and Chandeliers. Mike was putting the tables aside and talking to some house-elves about the food arrangements. They were planning on putting Luxury snacks on the tables and in the middle of the Hall a fountain. Whereas if you would taste its water it would taste like your favorite liquid. Draco was hanging some white sparkly banners with black crosses in the middle on the wall. Harry thought he'd arrange the music and place to dance. After a few hours of decorating, they were finally finished and they left for their dorms. 

Drarry fanfic story// ~°The ball°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora